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How I Fit In a 47-mile Week While Traveling

Well... we made it past Monday friends! I'm on a serious struggle-bus these past few days after returning home and working well-over 50 hours last week. I'm either coming down with a cold or just cannot re-adjust to my normal schedule. Regardless, I am struggling! My runs are harder than usual, paces are meh..OK, and nutrition/sleep could be better. I am resolving to get my act TOGETHER and figure my *ish out. I did manage to fit in all my workouts and runs in last week (despite having some difficulties adjusting) and wanted to share with you a few tips that helped me still get those runs in. 

  • Research the area ahead of time. I knew that there was a gym super close to where we were staying and also knew there was a trail to run on relatively close as well (both great options to fit your workout in on).


  • Try to get it done in the morning. This one is really TOUGH, but that is literally the only way I still got my runs done. The more exhausted I was at the end of the day, the less likely I was to really be motivated to do anything besides more work or just go to sleep.


  • Have a flexible training schedule. I knew that I would be jazzed if I got in all my runs, but also knew to not be disappointed if not every run was fantastic or every mile was fit in. Somedays, it's just best to get in quality over quantity. So re-adjust your expectations for those weeks where training will be difficult.


  • Try to keep a consistent sleep and nutrition schedule. Both these are things that I definitely struggle with the most. I can somehow get my run in wherever, but try to have me eat healthy homecooked meals and go to bed at my normal 9pm time and shit hits the fan. If I DID do this, things would be so much easier for me to readjust back to my normal schedule. 

What tips do you have to fit everything in when you're traveling? What things do you have as a priority?

A few photos from our weekend because I only had to work for a few hours Sunday afternoon and it was amazing!

Stella tried on some socks because she missed me so much

Brady got himself into my sweater and refused to move (while also simultaneously looking adorable).

We took a sleigh ride dinner and yes, it was absolutely amazing.

We took Stella on a few snowshoe hikes and she proceeded to chase around the ball and bury her head in the snow. Fun times.