Just Keep Running Blog

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Feature Friday- Having COURAGE & Importance of Taking Time For YOURSELF

Happy FRIYAY friends! I hope you have a fun weekend planned- I sadly will be teaching skiing at the mountain, but only have a few more weeks left so I am powering through! When things get really busy (like they have been for me for weeks!), I always try to take a bit of time each week for myself and do something that is totally FOR ME. Whether it's cooking something delicious, painting my nails (or going out to get a pedicure), reading when I should be working on something/doing a chore, or relaxing by the tv with Alex and our furry animals. I really try to savor these moments and not think of anything else I have to be doing at that exact moment! If I didn't take the time for these 'zone out' activities, I honestly think I would burn-out super often (and that's definitely happened in the past). How do you take time just for yourself? 

I was also recently thinking about how important it is to be resilient and have courage when pursuing your goals/dreams. I've always prided myself in going after any dream that I have with 110% fearlessness and steadfast determination.

While I don't always succeed with my goals and sometimes change my mind (and sometimes having too much determination can be seen as something negative), I pride myself in being courageous when going after my dreams. While I'm still figuring out what my next 'career path' steps are, I'm taking the time that I haven't taken before to figure out my strengths/weaknesses and courage definitely comes up as one of my top attributes.  What do you think of having courage? How do you take the step from 'totally scary' to 'let's give this a try'? 

-->My thought is that if I don't try something then how will I ever know and that I always want to go through life with NO REGRETS. So, sometimes I have that extra cinnamon roll or take that extra trip that I don't really have enough time/ money/ resources for because you really never know what will happen in the next day/hour/second. Have the courage to pursuit whatever sets your soul on fire!

What sets your soul on fire? 

How do you take that first step to pursuing something that completely scares you?

What are your weekend plans?!