Just Keep Running Blog

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5 Non-Running-Related Photos From Our Weekend!

You may think that I only run and eat and sleep (and you'd mainly be right), but I do also do other things as well ; ) So here's 5 photos that are NOT running related from our relaxing weekend at home. Also last two photos are an AH-MAZING onion soup recipe from The Runner's World Meals on The Run Cookbook (you can find it here). I cannot speak highly enough about this cookbook. Every single recipe we've had from it has been exceptional and so easy. I don't think there has been a recipe that's taken us longer than 30 minutes to cook! 

Hiding or scheming....Brady would be really great at Poker

Strength Training in comfy socks. Check!

Found them like this after my run on Sunday...I'm not really sure if they could get any cuter?!


Added another piece of bread after the photo was taken....Alex may have had 4 pieces of bread in his soup?!? Boys are crazy. 

What's your favorite flavor of homemade soup? --> I really love chicken noodle or a good sausage minestrone

Strength training at home yay or nay? --> I used LOVE doing strength training at the gym and never at home, but honestly I've been doing it more at home later in the day after work (or after a run on the weekends) and it's been pretty great to have a show going and get my strength in then. Gilmore Girls is a great working out buddy ; )

Shows you're loving right? --> We just started back up on House of Cards (we're in the midst of Season 3) and always love the Office / Gilmore Girls/ Friends/ Greys Anatomy.