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MS Run The US-Week 21 Training Rundown

I'm back! I honestly have been so busy between putting together the Run Out MS 5k, back-to-back 20+ mile training runs, craziness at work, and packing for my relay I haven't had a spare moment to blog and I've MISSED it! I want to recommit to blogging 5 days a week and hoping after my relay that I can get back into it and finish updating my blog as well. I hope you've been great! I've got some good posts lined up for you including what I ate the day of a 20+ mile run (and the day before another 20 mile run), how I fundraised $10,000 for MS Run The US, and what I'm packing for my relay so make sure to keep checking back! I cannot believe that my relay begins IN 5 DAYS! I'm feeling pretty anxious about it and just want it to be here! I can't wait to run and see so many beautiful things and spread awareness of Multiple Sclerosis and honor my grandfather. It's going to be amazing and I'm using this taper to try to get a bunch of chores done! This last week was TOUGH, but I knew if I could power through it then I could tackle my 175 mile journey! I hit my highest peak mileage week EVER and still managed to fit in 3 strength training sessions. I also got a massage on Wednesday and honestly it was worth every penny. I woke on Thursday and did not feel one single pain or tightness (which is normal (at least for me during peak marathon training weeks))- it was so great that I booked one more for tonight ; )

Monday: 40 minute strength training/10 minutes stairclimber / 10 minutes treadmill @ 12% incline

Tuesday: 9 miles easy 601' elevation gain

Wednesday: 5 miles easy 570' elevation gain & night time massage

Thursday: Rest day/ 20 minutes of yoga

Friday: 25 miles total ~12.5 miles easy before work 9:35 pace 355' elevation gain / 60 minute jumpboard reformer class at lunch/ 12.5 miles easy after work 9:51 pace 714' elevation gain

Saturday: 20 miles total ~ 3.1 miles easy before 5k (ran the course); 3.5 miles easy after 5k (ran the course again); 13.4 miles on the treadmill 7 miles @ 1 % incline; 6.4 miles @ -1% incline

Sunday: 8 miles easy @ 10:16 pace 216' elevation gain

Positive Splits:

  • 67 miles for the week!
  • Felt strong on almost every run
  • Mentally pushed through the days where 'I didn't feel like running' 
  • 3 strength training sessions for the week
  • 1 yoga session

Negative Splits:

  • Didn't get in a straight-through training long run, but I also wanted to split them up as that is how my relay will be (running a bit/ eating something/ running a bit more etc.)
  • Elevation gain for the week originally wanted it to be higher

How's your week going?!? Anyone racing this upcoming weekend?!? How're you feeling?