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What I'm Doing To Put Myself Into Those Uncomfortable Situations To Help Myself GROW

Happy Tuesday! One step closer to the weekend! ; ) I'm still loving my 'unscheduled' runs for the month and just getting in what I want whenever I feel like it. It's pretty freeing to know that I don't need to hit 'x' amount of miles or need to get in a certain workout. I'm still getting in 3 strength training sessions a week and really trying to build up my repetitions because strength = power = speed = reaching my goals! Ever since my relay, I've had so much more confidence and have felt less 'scared' to try new things/ put myself into uncomfortable situations (something I normally would have thought about more before diving in). I'm sure taking the 'plunge' into anything is scary for a lot of us and all that I can really say is that confidence/ obtaining some crazy goals has really helped me!

SO... here are some of the things that I'm doing to really put myself 'out there' to help me reach my goals: 

  • Signing up for a local half marathon! I used to be SO terrified of running in a local race here in town because I wouldn't be 'fast enough' or I may not do that great. BUT putting myself into these uncomfortable situations will help me grow and become a better runner.
  • Running on trails! I ran a new trail last week that I had NEVER been on here in town because I always associated trail running with hard/ difficult/ not for me. But I know that to get faster, trail running will help me get there (and become stronger as well)!
  • Cutting my hair! It may sound silly but I've always gotten so many compliments on my longer hair (and also many who think that I look 'older' when it's longer) and I was scared to get rid of it! I've cut my hair a few times, but this time - it felt freeing to experiment with a shorter 'do and I also feel more professional with it shorter. 
  • Asking myself what do I REALLY WANT and doing it. Sometimes I felt like I just got into a rhythm or daily schedule rather than doing something different/ new. SO I'm trying new fitness classes at times of the day that normally didn't used to "work" for me or I'm staying up later to read a bit more or watch a show. I'm baking a coconut cream pie during the week because why the hell not? You do you. 
  • I've started being more GRATEFUL for what I have and where I am right NOW, but not letting that stop me from dreaming. This is still a really hard one for me to continue to follow (sometimes I get into that 'negative' or 'debbie downer' mood), but I'm finding I'm happier and enjoying each day more. I know someday I want to explore London and see Paris, so why wait until I'm 'older' or have more money to start planning? I'm going to start planning for something that may not happen until next year because why not? Life is much too short to 'wait' to do things. I'm taking the small steps now to get to my future goals. Having my vision board (it's currently just on a google docs sheet that I visit almost everyday) has really helped me dream and work towards my goals rather than just have them as a 'someday I will...'

What tips and tricks have helped you get out of your comfort zones and seek out new adventures/ situations? 

What's on your schedule for today?

What's one thing you're doing TODAY to help you reach a dream goal? --> Today I am putting $15 in my 'Europe Trip' piggy bank!