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Feature Friday: Why Get A Flu Shot?

It’s that time of year again- No, not Holiday season- Flu Season! I feel as though there are more myths and rumors about getting a flu shot than just about anything else. “Getting the Flu Shot makes you sick”/ “It doesn’t do anything anyways “/ “I’m young, so I don’t need to worry” - any of these sound familiar?

Well, thankfully I’m here to help clear-up any confusion there is around the Flu shot!

Who Should Get The Flu Shot? Anyone 6 months of age & older.

Who shouldn’t get the Flu Shot? Those who have had a severe reaction to flu vaccines or ingredients in the vaccine, and those who are under 6 months of age. Talk with your doctor if you have an egg allergy, have Guillain-Barré syndrome, or if you’re feeling unwell.

What’s included in the Flu Shot? The vaccine injects antibodies into your body that take two weeks to develop. Once they develop, your body is better equipped to handle the vaccine. Research is done every year to help pinpoint what strands of the flu (influenza) could be spread among the communities.

Why get it every year? The strands might change from one year to the next. Your immune system also weakens over time, so it’s not as equipped to handle the virus the following season.

When should you get the vaccine? You should ideally get it before the flu starts to spread in your community (2 weeks before), however it’s recommended to wait no longer than the end of October. Can you still get the vaccination later in the season? Yes.

Do you get sick when you get the flu shot? The vaccine injects killed virus cells, so they are no longer activated - you cannot get the flu from receiving a flu shot. Some people might experience side effects from receiving the vaccine (should subside within 1-2 days): sore throat, headache, soreness, muscle aches, or swelling.

Can you still get the flu if you’re vaccinated? Yes. You might have already contracted the flu in the two week period leading up to your body building the antibodies, or you could have contracted a different strain of the flu than what the vaccine included. However, getting vaccinated yourself can protect those around you.

Where can you get vaccinated? You can go to your local doctors office, pharmacy, or walk-in clinic. I did mine at our local Walgreens and it took a total of 10 minutes.

Biggest benefits of getting a flu shot? It’s been shown to decrease Pediatric Intensive Care Unit admissions by 72% if children receive the flu shot, decrease cardiac related events, and decrease Intensive Care stays (think: more money in your pocket if you can decrease your time spent in the hospital this season).

I utilized the CDC website for guiding my post today. What other burning questions do you have about receiving the flu vaccine?