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Feature Friday: Home Gym Essentials

Happy Feature Friday on a Saturday! You know how somedays you’re just really not into doing certain things- well, that was me yesterday. I got through some chores/things on my to-do list and then I just really wanted to lounge on the couch and do nothing. SO, I did just that. I think sometimes I get into such a mindset that I need to ‘go go go’, when in reality-> it’s OK to not do everything on your to-do list. If you did everything on your to-do list in one day, then what would you have to look forward to tomorrow? I would (most likely) make another to-do list. ANYWAYS- enough on my tangent. I wanted to share with your some of my home gym essentials that I LOVE to have at my disposal (and there are still a few things that I definitely want). Now that most of the fitness centers around me are closed, I’ve slowly started to incorporate my favorites weights/foam rollers/tools to have at my disposal. No affiliate links here- just sharing what I love to hopefully help inspire someone else to continue to build their tools!

  • Foam Roller - love to use this to massage my IT band, back, glutes, quads

  • Massage Ball - love to use this to massage out my feet and calf muscles

  • Resistance Bands- use them to help warm-up my glutes and legs before a run!

  • Floor Sliders- I use these for SO much (they slide well on a Yoga Mat). Lunges, skaters, planks on my knees with pushing one arm out at a time..

  • Pilates Ball- I use this to help engage my core. Donkey Kicks, between the legs for bridges or clam shells, behind my low back to help me engage the c-curve in my spine..

  • Free weights- These have certainly been hard to come by during the Pandemic (and I’m still looking for relatively inexpensive heavier weights), but they are great to add to your collection!

  • Ball- Love to do hamstring curls on this one.

  • Treadmill- OK, this one is definitely only if you need one/ will use it often, but we LOVE our Nordictrack so so much. I never thought I would look forward to running on a treadmill, but ours is so sturdy and fun and I love to run fast on it.


Any other favorite home gym equipment essentials that you love?