Hansons Marathon Method- Week 14 Rundown
Less than 30 DAYS until the Rock 'n Roll Las Vegas Marathon! Eeeek! I cannot believe time has gone by so quickly! This week is my LAST 60+ mileage week and then I begin to taper. This training cycle has gone SO well and I'm just focused on finishing it out strong and remaining positive. Also I'm really trying to work on my mental game as well, since this was my weak part of my Revel Rockies Marathon. I want to stay in the moment and fight through the tough parts (NOT give up on myself).
This week I hit both of my SOS (something-of-substance) workout paces and kept my easy runs at a conservative pace. I did half outside and half of my runs on the treadmill (it snowed on Monday and the temperatures were SO chilly during the mornings).
Monday: 11 miles total; 1.5 warm-up; 2 x 3 mile repeats @ 8:36 (actual: 8:34) w/ 1 mile recovery between sets; 1.5 cool-down; 20 minutes of strength training. This training run was pretty difficult, but it always feels harder on the treadmill rather than outside ???
Tuesday: 6 miles easy @ 10:06 pace
Wednesday: 12 miles; 1.5 warm-up ; 9 miles @ GMP 8:46 (actual: 8:43); 1.5 cool-down ; 60 minute Barre class at lunch. I felt SO strong during this run and really needed it as a confidence booster.
Thursday: 10 miles easy @ 10:10 pace on the treadmill (6.5 on the treadmill in AM; 3.5 outside after work)
Friday: 10 miles easy @ 10:20 pace on the treadmill; 60 minute Barre class after work
Saturday: 7 miles easy on the trails around the lake @ 9:36 pace (a little too fast, but I'm SO ready to crush my last long run pace!!!)
Sunday: Rest Day
Sunshine Goods:
- hitting my SOS paces & feeling strong in them
- fit in 3 workouts of strength training
- 55 mileage weeks feels really do-able and EASY!
- 2 epsom salt baths this week
Gloomy Goods:
- 3 Treadmill runs this week = ugh so much harder than running outside