Weekend Recap & Training Log for Off-Season
Happy HUMPDAY! Does anyone else feel like once November hits, the weeks go by so fast (especially the weekends)?! I wanted to share with you a few photos from our weekend and my training log for the last week.
We've been drinking a lot of hot cocoa lately after dinner. I typically prefer mine to be 1/2 cocoa, 1/2 whipped cream. What ratio do you prefer?
We got our Christmas Tree on Saturday and it is definitely a Charlie Brown tree. Also the kittens learned a fun new trick- they love to climb the tree and knock down all the ornaments (*eye roll*). So, after spending Sunday decorating the tree, it now only has the star and one set of lights on it (no ornaments). Not really sure if we'll decorate it again. I'm just waiting until we come home one day and the tree is completely tipped over...It's a good thing they're so cute.
Kitten snuggles. When they aren't driving us both absolutely crazy, they are so cute & cuddly. We're in love.
Training Log (11/28- 12/2):
Sunday: 10 mile trail run around the lake. Longest run since my marathon!
Monday: 30 minutes of Upper/Lower Body Strength Training & 4 miles easy
Tuesday: 2.5 miles after work with Stella
Wednesday: 30 minutes of Upper/Lower Body Strength Training & 5 miles on the treadmill
Thursday: 3.5 miles after work with Stella
Friday: 4 miles with 1 mile warm-up; 1 mile up a hill with 350 vertical ascent; 1 mile down the hill; 1 mile cool-down
Saturday: 1 mile easy in between ski clinics
30 miles total!
It's always really weird to not be "actively training" for something, when it's basically all I've been doing since July. BUT it is also really nice to just take a breather and run whatever speed I want and sleep in when I want too. I'm taking these next few weeks and relishing in the extra time that I have.
What do you love to do in your off-season?
Hot Cocoa- yay or nay?
Trail running vs road running? Which is your favorite? I've always been a fan of road running, but also am loving the challenge of trail running!