MS Monday- Guest Post

Happy Monday! Today my mom wrote a post about how MS has affected her and the view of the disease through her eyes. I'm so fortunate that she agreed to write this post and was so strong to share her thoughts with us. 


I have experienced a loss. My family experienced a loss. Our community experienced a loss. My father experienced the ultimate loss. Multiple Sclerosis is responsible for every one of these losses.

First, by having his mobility taken away a little bit at a time, my father wasn’t able to continue to do the things that made him who he was every day. He lost his “person”. It’s what makes everyone of us the individual that we are today. He worked with his hands on everything. He was a mobile person, always in motion.

Dad’s day job was a Fork-Lift driver at a wood mill. I remember riding with him on the Fork-lift sometimes after school when I would catch a ride home with him. He was impressive to watch. The Fork-Lift would almost glide across the lot, maybe he was showing off just for me but I thought he was pretty cool. The smell of the wood mill is something you never forget. Whenever I pass by a fresh-cut woodlot or a wood mill (not many left) I always have the memory flash of hanging out at Dad’s work.

He wasn’t much of a reader, unless you count the tool catalogs that he would scour for the next best thing that he would use in the garage. He also was the original Uncle Henry’s shopper (think before Craigslist). Every Sunday morning was spent listening to the “swap shop” on a local radio station where people would call in with things for sale. I don’t even remember if he ever bought anything or not but he sure did like the thrill of the “hunt”. I can identify with this and find myself scouring E-Bay for bargains.

My dad was a driving fiend. He loved to drive anytime, anywhere. He wasn’t the biggest fan of the Interstate or big cities though. My childhood is filled with memories of Sunday drives, camping trips, and outings throughout New England.  He liked to explore and experience new places. Especially if food was involved, he liked to eat out (but who doesn’t).           

As we get older, we have to make changes to our daily routines because physical limitations make us adjust to where we are today. However, when MS decides when you are going to have to make these changes it is frustrating to the person.

I know my dad was frustrated when he first started having walking issues but I don’t really remember a time when he curled up in a ball and stopped fighting. It would have been so easy to just stop doing things but he continued to fight.

At first, using a cane to help him get around and gradually moving into a wheelchair but he still kept going back to the garage and tinkering. He was so patient with his disability, I don’t think I would have been able to be that patient. He had his days when it would get a little overwhelming but honestly, I think he just took it in stride and kept on keepin’ on. Looking back now, I’m surprised he didn’t complain more. I guess everyone has their pain-threshold and tolerance-threshold, well, his was pretty strong.

So, I started with what has been lost but I find that I want to focus on what I have been given instead. I am a lucky girl, to have had my dad for as long as I did and for everything that he gave me that makes me who I am today. Multiple Sclerosis will never take my memories of him.


THANK YOU to the moon and back mom, you are so brave. 


MS Monday- What Running 175 Miles Means To Me

Happy Martin Luther King Jr day! I love these holidays to use time to reflect on all of the amazing things they said and did for our country. He was truly a special man. 


No Mountain Monday?!? Yes, that's RIGHT! I have switched Mondays temporarily over to MS Mondays to help shed some spotlight on my MS Run The US relay segment and wanted to share today what being a relay runner for those 175 miles means to me. 


Running 175 miles actually seems pretty crazy to me and I'M the one having to do it come May 22nd! I know that when the time comes, I'll be able to do it because being chosen as one of the 18 relay runners means everything to me.

It means that I'm a runner, I'm strong, I'm fearless, I'm running for my grandfather, I'm capable of doing hard things, I can overcome a challenge, I can climb mountains, and I'm able to do all of these things with the support of my family and friends. 

I will finally be able to showcase just how much running for those who can't means to me when my start line comes. Each mile that is added to my count will be dedicated to someone else who has an impact on my life (a runner or maybe a non-runner), but someone who has pushed me to begin at this start line and inspired me. 

I love to rely on a list of those who have had a meaningful impact in my life when I'm in the middle of a hard training run or in those hard miles of a marathon. What keeps you motivated when the going gets tough? 

SO, my list (I'm going to start compiling it because a list of 175 people is a BIG one) will definitely be one way where I'll be able to pay tribute those people who have helped me get to my start line healthy, happy, and STRONG. 

I think it's also kind of weird to say that this is 'my redemption' because I'm not really redeeming myself from anything, but it kind-of feels that way. I'm still in this stage in my life where I'm trying to build myself up without having necessary 'titles' or 'physical things' or 'experiences' to back-me-up and rely on more of my self-worth, so hopefully realizing this and moving forward will help me with that. It's great that I am able to put this on my resume, but that is honestly not why I'm drawn to doing this relay or running all those miles. I want to use this as an opportunity to speak out about Multiple Sclerosis and how it tried to shatter our family, but instead brought us closer together; and also use this as an opportune time to commemorate my grandfather for the wonderful and strong person that he was. 

So, with that I leave you and ask, what brought you to running or your favorite sport and what continues to propel you to push forward with it?

Who do you run/hike/walk/bike/train for?

Would you ever run 175 miles over 7 days?!