MS Run The US Recap Day Before It All Started!
Happy Monday! We had a great weekend filled with hiking, kayaking, cooking, and sleeping in (finally)! It was perfect weather here (mid 70's) and while I decided not to do the half marathon here on Sunday (decided I'd rather spend $ on a race in a few months that I haven't done yet and one that my body would be better prepared for), I did get out for my first run post-relay on Sunday (7 miles). It felt amazing to be back out there and I'm already dreaming big about my next goals! How was your weekend?
I was going to start my relay recaps on day #1, but I wanted to recap the day (and morning) before the relay started because preparation is important too ; ) Because I lived where the relay was starting, I opted not to spend the night before in the RV (I feel like a majority of the runners before me spent the night prior in the RV because they flew to their start lines). Alex was still away and I wanted to at least catch up with him before I left for the week.
SO let's rewind a bit shall we?
For the few weeks prior to the relay, I'd been feeling pretty anxious. I was following the relay on social media (they do daily "live" videos with current runners) pretty intently and just wanted it to be my turn! I was also feeling a bit nervous (typical taper nerves...wondering if my training was enough, if I could conquer the mountains ahead of me, hoping my body could cover the distance etc.). I think it's probably pretty typical "pre race nerves/jitters"- I feel slightly similar prior to most marathons that I start. The one thing that was different- I had the recurring nightmare that I was going to get run-over. I pictured myself along the highway on my relay route and a car not paying attention and just completely plowing into me. That was definitely my biggest fear leading up to the relay.
Because of all of these nerves, I kept myself extremely busy when Alex was away (he was gone most of the week before the relay start). I cleaned/ organized/ did a bunch of gardening/ got a massage/ pedicure/manicure etc. I didn't really let my emotions set in.
The relay runner for segment #6 (the one before me) was set to come into Steamboat at noon on Sunday May 20th, so Stella and I came into town to meet her and the relay crew! We did a 2 mile shakeout run prior to the relay runner finishing and got to see her cross the finish line (and hand the baton off to me). I think this was a perfect way to be introduced to everyone! It was so inspiring to see her finish and it got me so excited. The road crew seemed so great. They asked if I wanted to go grocery shopping with them (I had previously sent in a list of food that I like to eat before/during/after running) and because it was pretty warm and I was in charge of Stella, I declined but thought it was so great that they offered!
After getting the baton passed along to me and some smalltalk, Stella & I headed home to relax for the afternoon before Alex was expected to get home. I had noodles & butter for dinner (and lots of water) and heated him up some lasagna. I slept pretty well (thanks melatonin) and reality definitely sunk in when I woke up the next morning! I was going to be running 175 miles over the next 7 days and tackling Rabbit Ears Pass TODAY! I was honestly SO nervous that I couldn't eat a thing before we left home (this is really out-of-character for me. normally during the morning of a marathon, I feel excited/ a tad nervous, but always am able to get some food in me). I also was so happy to have him home, that I was absolutely TERRIFIED I wouldn't make it back home. I broke down crying before we left (also totally out of character) and then once again when it was time to start my relay.
There was a nice crowd of people at my start line at 8am (some from my work/ honey stinger/ past relay runner/ the woman who has MS and husband donated to my great to finally meet her), which was so great, but also kinda intimidating. I just wanted to start running rather than make small-talk. If it was not about having a "start line", I honestly would have wanted to start at 6am (before my mind could process all that I was setting out to do ; )....).
SO, that's where we where when I crossed that start line and said goodbye to my friends and Steamboat!
How was your weekend?
How do you handle pre-race jitters?