THESE really help those stressful days & I GOT IN!- Now What?!

I’m getting myself back on schedule. For Eugene training cycle, my hard workout days will be Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. So I’ll also get my strength training done on those days. Which means —> getting up EXTRA early. Like my alarm went off at 4:30 this morning. I’m going to hop on the treadmill this morning (6* is the low & still snowing) and get some speed going in my legs - I’ve got 7 miles on the schedule and I’m going to throw in 10 minutes of 10 x 1 minute faster surges then the remaining miles easy. Looking forward to catching up on this season of Greys Anatomy!

Also these really make any day better. (I’m convinced that they’re the best type of Sour Patch Kids).


I also got into the Chicago Marathon!!


Now I need all of your recommendations! I’m looking at Air BnBs to stay at, but would love to know what is the best option?!? Also what to do the day before and day after the race?!?

Also kitty cuddles because why not?



Favorite type of Candy?

Chicago Marathon- give me your recommendations!

Do you have any animals?

THIS Will Help Me Reach My Time Goal At Eugene & On My Running Wish List

Happy Friday-eve! FINALLY! This week has definitely dragged along (I’m sure that teaching skiing all day on Sunday definitely hasn’t helped), but I’m so looking forward to this weekend! We’re getting our Holiday cards mailed out, our Christmas tree, exchanging Hanukkah gifts, and everything else Holiday-related. I also did not spend $1 during Black Friday/ Cyber Monday sales- this is a HUGE win for me (especially with all the crazy amount of marketing out there!). My Christmas shopping is all done and I did do ONE purchase for myself- these candles. The ‘Damn It’s Early’ scent is incredible and they’re also a small business, which I LOVE supporting! I’m also trying to get everything I’ll need to train for Eugene now rather than waiting until later so I’m stocking up on gels (I’m going to be trying these), ordering more of these (the watermelon flavor is my favorite), rearranging my chews, and finding my race-day outfit (including sneakers)!

Also it will never get old seeing this! Anyone else apply to be part of the 2019 Hive program?!?

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THIS will also be a staple for me this training cycle. I’ve tried to use the training journal before, but I’ve struggled making it a habit (I typically just use google docs spreadsheet to keep track of my activity & mileage on my sneakers)- this time I’m committed to making it work! I’m 100% positive that it will help me reach my sub 3:40 marathon time in Eugene!


Flashback to yesterday where Stella & I went on a VERY chilly walk during lunch (I think it was 15* out?!?). I’m saving my run for this afternoon today, so it should be around 20* rather than single digits. WHEN will it get past freezing again? I would love to see the roads sometime this winter (rather than snowy/icy filled ones).


Happy Hannukkah! We celebrate both Hannukkah and Christmas (Chrismukkah style, as per the OC- anyone else ever watch that show? I was seriously OBSESSED with Marisa & Ryan…might need to binge watch that show on the treadmill!). We light the menorah, but exchange one gift towards the end of Hanukkah (that will be this weekend for us) and try our hand at making latkes (last year we made SO many and they really didn’t turn out too well…). Then we’ll do another gift on Christmas and do Chinese for dinner.


Here’s a few things that I think should be on your runner’s gift list this year!

  • THESE pants- they feel so amazing on and don’t move on me at all

  • THESE socks- so soft!

  • THIS to help with recovery

  • THIS sweatshirt to keep warm post-run and also because so accurate. (I want this!)

  • THIS mug because everyone needs to know that they run (I want this!)

  • THIS necklace- SOOOO cute and I want one!


I’d love to know what your favorite Holiday traditions are!

How do you keep track of your training?

The O.C. - team Summer or team Marisa?

Black Friday or Cyber Monday- what sales did you take advantage of?

I'm Very Upset About This & It's COLD.

I just heard the news and I’m pretty upset by it.


BUT then I just saw on the news this morning that it actually isn’t until January 1, 2019 SO that’s a bit of a relief. We have definitely watched the full seasons through at least 5 times. It’s one of the best shows (in my opinion) to just have on, get a few laughs, and get some chores (or dinner or laundry) done.

Also my view while writing this post this morning is my second-favorite way to start the day (after a run ofcourse…). I’ve really been loving my Oiselle camp cup- it keeps my coffee warm in the morning when the air in our house is still a bit chilly (also sitting under the heated blanket helps keep me warm as well ; ) ) …. It looks like they discontinued the camp cup, but I’ve linked to something kind of similar!


It has been SO cold here lately. Currently 3* outside this morning. I’ve been waiting to do my runs later in the day (because I’d rather run outside than on the treadmill if I can), but it’s still only in the low 20’s later in the afternoon. We’ve also been getting some snow showers (nothing too crazy), but it sure does make the core trail look so beautiful!


Also- it’s National Cookie Day. I have to know. What cookie is your favorite?!? I love either chocolate chip, oatmeal chocolate chip, or vanilla bean joe joe’s from trader joes (they are unbelievable- think of a golden oreo, but way better)!

Happy Colorado Gives Day! I love this state and how they dedicate a special day to support your favorite local charities. Do you have something like this where you live?


Where do most of your runs happen in the winter- outside or on the treadmill?

Favorite Cookie?

Favorite show you’ve been loving lately?

Trail Thursday Has Gone Missing & My Legs Feel Like Lead.

Trail Thursday has gone missing this week (or well in reality —> I need to take some new adventures to share with you guys). BUT I will definitely have a new Trail Thursday next week because on Saturday we’re heading to Rocky Mountain National Park to go backpacking!!! This will be my first wilderness backpacking experience where we get a permit and had to reserve a site ahead of time. We reserved the site here and will pick up our permit on Saturday at the Vistors Center.

TBT to visiting RMNP last year with Stella. She won’t be joining us for this trip (too much wildlife out there!), but she’ll be happy that she’s staying with Uncle Jeremy and her cousin Waylon (dog)  ;)

TBT to visiting RMNP last year with Stella. She won’t be joining us for this trip (too much wildlife out there!), but she’ll be happy that she’s staying with Uncle Jeremy and her cousin Waylon (dog) ;)

We’ll be staying at Timber Lake at one of the two Snowbird Sites and will be around 11, 010 feet where we camp! It’s been pretty warm here, so it shouldn’t be as chilly as we were originally thinking when we booked it which is GOOD! We’ll bring lots of layers still and our warmest camping gear. Campfires aren’t allowed at the site which is a bit of bummer, but at least we know there is less of a risk of a wildfire!

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I’m hoping my legs feel better than they have earlier this week because they have felt like LEAD. I’m sure it’s got something to do with my crazy hormones and all-nighter last Friday and crazy intense Pilates Jumpboard class on Monday, but I’m really trying to stay optimistic. I’m getting my long run in tomorrow morning before our trip (still trying to decide whether I’m going to do it on the treadmill (to hit my 5 x HMP miles) or do it outside) and undecided whether I’ll get in any miles before or after our trip. It will be around 5 miles of hiking on Saturday and 5 miles of hiking on Sunday (which is quite a bit) so I may just do an easy 3 each day to shake out my legs.

Felt like I was running an 8:00 min/mile. ha.

Felt like I was running an 8:00 min/mile. ha.

Also on an unrelated note- I booked my annual Dentist cleaning ON HALLOWEEN. This is the second year in a row that I’ve had my cleaning scheduled on October 31st…I’m thinking this is a very unpopular date for visiting the dentist!

Ever gone backpacking in a National Park?

Dentist —> do you enjoy going or meh not so much?

Help me decide… should I do ANY runs this weekend or do a few short easy miles or take it off?!?!