Training Tuesday: Tips For Training For Your Next Half Marathon

Sorry for the late post! I've been having issues with my server most of the morning. I think (& hope) it's working for good this time!

It's finally cooling off here. It was in the 70s yesterday afternoon during my run and in the low 50s (with some humidity ahhhh so refreshing!) for my 6.81 miles this morning. I always used to lvoe ending my runs on the .5 or .0 marker, but I've relaxed a bit over the years ; )

Since I decided to make a half marathon my training goal for this Fall I figured it would be helpful to share some of the things that I've learned to help you train smart for your next half (whether it be your first or 50th)! I love running the half distance because training is never crazy-intense and you can still do other fun activities while training for one! I think it's taken me several marathon training cycles to realize that half training isn't as intense as I *once* thought it was!!

  • Know your course & train for it. If your course will be hilly, make sure to throw in atleast one hilly run a week. If it's going to be downhill, maybe do a few longer runs on the treadmill on the decline option. 


  • Map out your prior commitments and know how you'll still fit in your training that week/day. This is something I DIDN'T do during my first half training cycle and ended up missing a few long runs towards the end of my training cycle. If you know you'll be out of town on the weekend, maybe plan to get your long run (or harder run) in before you leave. 


  • Have a target pace range for what you want to run the race in and then know what your "easy" pace will be. I didn't start to vary my training paces until the last few years and WOW did it make a difference! My easy paces are typically 2:00-2:30 minutes slower per mile than my target half marathon pace range (7:40-8:00 min/mile). 
  • Try out various gels and chews during your longer runs. Long runs are a great opportunity to test out various gels/ chews/ water/ nutrition before the run and how often you need a gel. I would only typically take a gel after 6 miles, but found that I actually needed one every 4.5 miles to keep me from potentially bonking. 


  • Wear your race day outfit at least once on a longer run before the race. Maybe your perfect race day outfit works great for a three mile run, but it starts chafing at 8 miles. Knowing that your outfit is still comfortable in those later miles will make all the difference come the big day. 


  • Train in the climate that your race will be at. Will your race day typically be hot or rainy or at night? Try to get in a few runs to help acclimate and simulate race day temperatures. I know for running Las Vegas Marathon last year (it starts at 4:30pm), I would do one marathon-paced run a week starting anywhere between 3 & 5pm after work. It wasn't the ideal start time for me, but I learned to make it work and practice my nutrition leading up to the start time. 


  • Don't give up if you have a bad training run (or two). When I was training for my first half marathon I remember getting really frustrated with how many times I had to stop and walk during those 8 miles. I didn't take into account how little sleep I had, how hot (and humid) it was outside, what my nutrition leading up to the run was like, etc. Accept it and move on. Bad runs happen to everyone- don't dwell on it. 
  • Adjust your goals if training isn't going the way you'd like it to. Not able to get in all the mileage on your training plan or something came up that made you miss an entire week of training? Regardless of your circumstances not every training cycle will go perfectly and know (and accept) when maybe this training cycle isn't meant for you to chase down a PR, but have fun or wear a crazy costume or focus on nailing a negative-split. There's a season for everything. 

What else would you add to the list of tips?

Rainy (but slightly humid runs)- love 'em or hate 'em?

Favorite temperature (and time of day) to run in? --> probably 50s/ low 60s cloudy 8am. 

Training Tuesday: I LOVE this Running Calculator & How To Program A Workout Into Your Garmin

Hi friends! Alright so I'm taking a few days off a running. I didn't have the BEST tempo run yesterday (it was pretty hilly so I should probably give myself some grace) and ended feeling just "blah", so I'm taking a few days off a running and focusing on other things! I think sometimes it's hard to take a step back, but after a few runs lately that left me feeling less-than-spectacular I've decided that the best thing to do is to take a step back. I'll probably end up cutting back my training plans (thinking running 5 days a week instead), but I still believe that I've got a 3:45 marathon in me! Plus, THIS running calculator gives me pretty great confidence since I train at ~7,000 to 8,000 ft in elevation and running at Vegas is at ~2,000' still means I could even get under 3:35! Whattt. Regardless if this is accurate, that makes me feel PRETTY spectacular. 

Thanks to the HRG for posting this on her page!

Thanks to the HRG for posting this on her page!

OK so I just recently started programming my workouts into my Garmin (I have the Forerunner 235 and LOVE it) and am not really sure what took me so long. It's super helpful if you're planning to do any sort of speed, but I also really love it on my easy run days because you can program a certain pace range (AKA super slow) that you want and it will buzz until you are in your targeted pace zone. It also counts down on the distance so it's always refreshing to look down and see "oh wow, I only have a mile left" or something like that! 

You can program the workout into your Garmin through the Garmin Connect App on YOUR PHONE! How easy is that and then send it to your watch! 

1. Hit "More" down at the lower right portion of your screen


2. Click on "Workouts"


3. Click on the "+" on the Upper Right Portion of Your Screen


4. Click on Run (or whatever workout you want to program!)


5. Edit Your Workout. I like to keep in the Warm-Up & Cool-Down and program those to durations (and slower paces) to remind myself to take it slower in the beginning and at the end of my runs (but you can always delete those too!)


6. Add the information that you want for each step (I started in Warm-up) & clicked on Duration Type to switch it to Distance. 


7. Add an 'intensity target' if you want. This is where I'll add my targeted pace, but you can also target Heart Rate/ Mph/ etc. 


8. Hit the "back arrow" (top left portion of your screen) once you're done editing your warm-up/ run/ cool-downs and then once it's all set you can send it directly to your WATCH by clicking the phone looking icon on the top right portion of your screen! Voila! 


Ever tried programming your workout into your watch?

What's the elevation going to be at your next race?

Training Tuesday: 5 minute Warm-Up To Do BEFORE Your Run

I wonder how many times you've thought to yourself while running "I really should have warmed-up"?

I know for me it's pretty almost every run when I don't take the extra few minutes to do some dynamic (moving) & static (holding) stretches. I've been really good about doing my pre-run warm-up before harder workouts (tempo runs & track work-outs), but not as great on those easy run days. I hope to CHANGE that! Anyways, I put together a video for you last night that includes my pre-run warm-up routine. You can take a few or take them all and then let me know how you feel after your run when you warm-up! 


  • Backward Lunges
  • Side Lunges
  • Knee Tucks
  • Leg Shakeouts
  • Upper Body Rotations
  • Side Stretches
  • Calf & Hamstring Stretches
  • Calf Raises
  • Toe Touches


Wish me luck- I've got my first tempo run on schedule later this afternoon! 2 mile warm-up, 6 miles cutting back to tempo pace, 2 mile cool-down. After running in the heat yesterday, I may go to the treadmill if it's too warm but we'll see! 

What do you normally do before you head out for a run?

Favorite pre-run warm-up routines?