The Trails and Tribulations of Fundraising Summed Up Into 5 Words
Happy FRIDAY EVE! I'm so excited to have Saturday fully off, I'm not sure if i'll be able to SLEEP! I'm trying not to stress *too* much over my extremely busy week next week (last peak week of mileage before 2 cut-back weeks before SLC Marathon & Ice Show Dress Rehearsals Tuesday-Thursday 3-6pm (ice shows=> Fri & Sat night) & working Full time.. YIKES) because stressing out is never FUN! I did an easy 6.66 mile run this morning and will probably do some easy miles this evening to get to 10 for the day and that will just leave 10 for Friday & 6.45 for Saturday (giving me some great time to recover before next week).
I wanted to share with you 5 words that currently come to mind when I think of fundraising a large sum of money because it is definitely NOT easy!
- Exhilerating. You're just getting started and have all this momentum. It feels AMAZING. SO MUCH EXCITEMENT!
- Rush of Adrenaline.
- You hit some speed bumps.
- You *may* start to question your sanity.
- You get a new idea to raise more money or get a large donation--> repeat cycle.
Have you ever fundraised a large amount of money?
What's some suggestions you have to keep the momentum going when you've got a big lofty goal to achieve over many months? --> pace yourself!