Feature Friday- 5 photos from the week that are NOT running related
Friday! FRIYAY! YAY! It's FRIDAY! AND I don't have to work this weekend! I.am.so.excited! I hope you have great weekend plans that include getting some sunshine, running, and spending some time doing something YOU LOVE with SOMEONE YOU LOVE (...animals always count)! Our plans loosely include going skiing, but if the weather is nice -> who knows!
I wanted to share with you 5 photos from my week that DO NOT include running-related things (spoiler alert: they almost all include our animals..because they are just soooo adorable)!
Anyone RACING this weekend?!? Where?? GOOD LUCK!
What's one thing you're most looking forward to this weekend? --> Breakfast cooked by Alex, coffee on the couch, kittens snuggles. Ok that was three, but oh well we can't all be winners!