7 Things

I’m here and wow has a lot changed after just a few weeks! I wish I could say that I’m looking forward to April, but honestly feeling a bit lost because there is no longer much to look forward to until at least the beginning of May (which we honestly know will be extended even further than that). My classes have all switched to online - my clinicals are ending early/switching to online as well. We’re changing our Wedding date. I’m assuming that my next races in May will be canceled. My first 7 weeks of Summer classes are online. I’m feeling thankful that Alex still gets to work 16 hours a week (& gets paid something) & that I’ve started my job as an LNA at the local hospital here. My fitness is continuing to improve. I have more time to spend doing work around the house, baking, and reading (for fun)! I’m also driving a lot less, so happy to reduce down my carbon footprint/ use less gas. I’m journaling more (which has honestly really helped me stay thankful in this time of uncertainty).

I guess I’m sharing all this so that maybe you feel less alone (if you’re feeling the same way I am). We could all use some positivity lately, so here are 7 positive things that have happened to me over the past few days:

Ran 18 miles at an easy pace


Baked some peanut butter cookies (no butter/ used coconut sugar rather than butter)


Updated my half marathon PR time on my medal hanger


Planted our garden veggies and are starting to grow them indoors. We’re also going to lay out our garden beds (once it stops raining again)- Alex’s birthday gift to me (can you believe I turn 30 next month?!?)


Extra time for kitty snuggles


Finished my 3rd book of 2020 - this one was SO good (highly recommend)


Free Nuun delivery for us healthcare workers 🧡


—————————————————————————Alright - your turn! Tell me 7 things you’re grateful for right now: