Feature Friday: Strength Training Consistently

Happy Friday! I can’t believe that we’re already into March. It honestly still feels like January to me (probably because it has FELT like January here the past few days), but I can’t wait to start to see green grass and wear shorts on my runs! Flashback to sports bra running weather 😍


I wanted to share with you some of my tips that worked for me to consistently strength train. It always used to be ‘that thing’ that I skipped or only did 10-15 minutes of because I was much more focused on getting all those miles in. It was when I started training for my 50 miler that I started to get really serious about my strength training AND consistently switching up the exercises/ weight that I was doing.


Within a few months of committing to these two things (also spending 2-3 days a week on strength training with 20-30 minutes at a time), I started to notice some really huge differences. I noticed I was stronger on my runs. I could power up hills that I previously couldn’t do.


I also started to feel leaner. This definitely didn’t happen overnight and it probably took almost a year for me to start noticing these differences, but they started to come!


Some things that I found helpful when I wanted to really implement my strength training routine:

  • Do strength before running. I’m much more likely to skip it afterwards.

  • Commit to doing it for 10-15 minutes two times a week.

  • Drink enough water before and afterwards.

  • Try virtual classes! I’m really into Pelotons strength workouts.

  • Try Pilates or Barre. They’re fun and an awesome full-body workout.

  • Book a session or two with a personal trainer. They’ll help show you workouts to get started with and help you have good form.



-What tips for you have to add in more strength training consistently?

-Tips for fitting it in around higher running volume?