Feature Friday: Tips For Your First Weeks In Nursing School

Happy Fri-YAY! I wanted to put together a blog post for all those who have just gotten started in Nursing School. Either those who are beginning their first few nursing classes or those who are coming back in to excel their degree or obtain a new one. Nursing school is TOUGH. It’s so much work, stress, and I honestly still kinda feel like ‘I’m in a bubble’. It’s getting better (especially since starting a real RN job), but it’s been a whirlwind the past 18 months.


Remember that you got into the program for a reason. It’s something that I CONTINUE to remind myself over and over again. It wasn’t a fluke, you have the potential to become a great Nurse. You already have so many tools in your belt to succeed.


One bad grade does not dictate anything. I have completed bombed quizzes or exams and I still passed with our 80% exam requirement. Maybe you had other stressors going on at the moment, or maybe you need to assess a different study technique. I didn’t always click with all of my professors-> which meant more ‘teaching myself’ and less relying on their lectures.


Find a study technique that works for you. This one took me almost 9 months to finally figure out. I always though that flash cards & extensive notes were my jam, but actually reading (& less notes) and talking through the patho helped me with every subject. While I can’t take back those 9 very stressful months of constant notecard making- I feel prepared to take future classes and succeed in them.

Find your study tribe and take time away from your books. Balance, self-care, & support from others is absolutely necessary. This really is the key (I believe) to everything in life-> you can’t do it alone and you certainly can’t take care of others if you can’t take care of yourself.

-What tips do you have for new nursing students?
-What way do you learn and study best?

Feature Friday: How To Ace Your Online Classes

OK. I have most certainly taken a lot of online classes in my day (and yes, even before the pandemic)! I received my entire Masters degree from an online program, while also working an average of 45 hours a week, and then finished out my Nursing degree entirely online as well. It was TOUGH. Online classes are certainly not for everyone, but I’m here to say that you can do it. If you’re struggling, know that it is possible to thrive and succeed!

Tip 1: Adjust Your Attitude

Attitude is honestly a huge factor in whether or not you will succeed. If you believe it, you can achieve it. If you believe that it’s not a possibility or you don’t have enough time or you just can’t learn something online, then it’s not going to happen. Adjust your attitude now! Believe you can and you are honestly- halfway there.


Tip 2. Create a schedule that works for you.

Know when the best time for YOU is- that means when you study and thrive the most. I’m much more likely to be productive early in the morning and Friday afternoons? Forget about it. I create a schedule that works for me. I know that running and having breaks is vital to me getting things done, so I work my schedule around those things. I create a schedule (sometimes weekly, sometimes daily, sometimes monthly) and stick to it. I’ve found that if I start to become too flexible with my schedule, then I don’t take my work seriously enough and things do not get done. However, also know that things need to change from time-to-time and acknowledge that you do have the flexibility of “working from home”. Maybe I study an hour less today, but I can tack it onto the next day. It’s not the end-of-the-world and I can take advantage of the flexibility of online classes.


Tip 3. Find Your Study Space & Schedule Breaks

This took me a while to learn, but there are spaces in our home where I am super productive and others where I just do not get any work done. I know that when I’m at my “desk”, it’s serious study mode. I like to put my timer on my phone and have a clear space to get my work done. I’m much more likely to be distracted if I’m trying to eat breakfast, while also reviewing my notes. Multi-tasking doesn’t work for me (and honestly, it’s been shown that it doesn’t work for most people), so I set a timer for 50 minutes of dedicated study-time and then I go grab a snack for 10 minutes or get up and walk around. If I need to throw in some laundry, I know that I have time to do that during my break.


Tip 4. Have something outside of studying and classes that you enjoy doing.

Schedule your “me time” into your day. Whether it’s running, taking a bath, yoga, strength training, taking the dog for a walk, or reading for pleasure- make sure you have time in your day to do that. I’m more productive, happier, focused, and relaxed when I give myself some ‘me time’.


Tip 5. Be kind with yourself and adjust accordingly.

Know when you need a break or a day-off. It’s really easy to fall into a ‘I have to do: x, y, z today because I’m home’ vibe, however it’s not healthy and you’re putting yourself at-risk for burn-out. Give yourself a break and know when to call it quits for the day. Sometimes I take a run in the middle of the day when I find myself ‘glazing over’ or I take a longer lunch break to help reset my mind. Also- know when to ask for help from your professors or fellow classmates. If you’re struggling, then you’re most likely not alone. Reach out and ask for help. You’re paying good money for your classes and if you’re getting everything out of it that you want, then speak up.


My First Clinical Thoughts

I’ve been in my first clinical rotation at the hospital for the past month and thought it would be fun to share some things I’ve learned thus far. I had NO idea what to expect going into my first rotation (mine is medical-surgical) and honestly I’m really happy I didn’t have any expectations. It’s been nice to just go into things ‘blindly’ and just take a leap of faith each week (albeit, also kinda-really-terrifying). We had two simulation labs this summer that focused on both clinical procedures and patient assessments and now, we’re utilizing everything we learned on the hospital floor (supervised and guided).

Some of the things that I’ve loved thus far: how so-much-less-scary it was than I imagined - I was terrified the first 3 weeks of my clinical and finally, I realized that I’m actually really prepared for this next step! I was also really surprised at how much I really love it- it’s been so nice to finally feel like I’m ‘in my element’ and found something that I can be truly excited, challenged, and passionate about. I’m also really surprised at how much more I know than I thought I did! Those two labs this past summer taught me so much. They were really challenging, but I’m really thankful for them. I’m also surprised at how much I already know about reading patients charts, vitals, how to do the ‘little things that kinda seem scary’ like moving a patients bed/turning off their alarm/ assisting the patient with mobility etc.

Some things that I’ve been intimidated by: Going into the patient room by myself seemed real scary at first, but I’ve gotten ‘used’ to it. I’m still a bit scared, but I’m sure that will come with time! It’s also been intimidating being in the room with the team of doctors, however they are all so wonderful and supportive and value the nurses feedback - so nothing to be intimidated about there either! Just wandering around the hospital still seems a bit overwhelming (it’s HUGE!), but it’s already starting to feel more familiar which is nice.

I’m already surprised by: how much I’ve grown over the past month as both a person and a student nurse. I also cannot believe at how my patients and instructors have already changed how I ‘view’ the world- so much more empathetically and positively. I’m trying to spread those things like wildfire : )

Needless to say- I’m really excited to see where I’m at in the next month/ at the end of this clinical/ at the end of the program in August 2020!


Any other student nurses (or used-to-be- student nurses) out there? I’d love to hear your experiences of your first clinical!

Nursing School: A Peak Into This Semester

I thought it would be fun to give you a sneak peak into what my 2nd semester as an Accelerated Nursing Student. I have 2 more semesters left after this one and that is CRAZY to me! I’m just starting my clinical rotations at the hospital this semester, which is both equally scary and exciting. It’s very similar to starting a new job- anxiety-producing, lack-of-sleep nerves, exhilarating, terrifying, etc. Going into my first clinical (I have Medical-Surgical this semester), I don’t feel prepared at all for it, but I felt that same way during my labs this Summer!

I also have my Medical Surgical (focused mainly on Older Adults) lecture as well. It came with the BIGGEST book, which was pretty intimidating. I’ve heard great things about this professor and am excited to have it accompany my clinical.

I am also taking another lecture focused specifically caring for Older Adults and then one on Mental Health (the lecture portion). I will have my second clinical with Mental Health focus during the Winter semester. I liked the idea of doing the lecture and then having the clinical be my sole focus afterwards.

I’m taking a total of 13 credits, which feels a whole lot better than the 18 credits I took over the shortened summer semester. I’m still in that beginning part of the semester where I’m struggling to find a schedule and have my first exams this week (ah! stress! give me all the chocolate!)- I know that things will calm down in a few weeks (like it always does!).


First Semester: Nursing School Recap

I have no photos from my first semester because, well, because it was REALLY busy. My first round of classes took place over the Summer semester and most of my classes were 7 or 10 weeks long. I took a total of 8 classes from May-August.

The classes that I took included: Introduction to Nursing, Fundamentals of Nursing, Fundamentals of Nursing Lab, Nursing Health Assessment, Nursing Health Assessment Lab, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and Nutrition.

My favorite class? Either Fundamentals of Nursing Lab or Nursing Health Assessment Lab. I really enjoyed the hands-on aspects of it and felt like I could apply those things that I learned in lecture.

My least favorite class? Pharmacology. Mainly because it was conducted online and this was a really challenging class to do things ‘on the computer’. I ended up watching a lot of videos and memorizing things.

What I learned most? How to critical think again and how crazy smart Nurses are.

What I wish I did more of? Took classes over a longer period of time. Covering 3 or 4 chapters in a week for one class was typical. Just when I thought I was learning the material, we moved on to something else!

What I’m most excited for in the future? Excited/scared to be taking all that I learned over the summer and applying them to our in-hospital clinical experiences! YIKES.