Tips For Getting Out For A Early Weekend Morning Run
There's a reason why I switched my long runs from the weekend to Friday mornings because I love to sleep in and have super lazy mornings on the weekend! Last Saturday I managed to get up at 5:30 to get ready for my long run and figured I would share some tips with you that helped me roll out of bed when it was still dark out.
1. Have your coffee set and get yourself some time to just sit with some fresh coffee before heading outside for your run
2. Have something fun scheduled later in the day to look forward to.
3. Look at the weather and know that if you wait longer, it will either get worse OR you can enjoy the beautiful day knowing that your run is already out of the way.
4. Put together a new playlist or have a new podcast that you save for your weekend early morning runs.
5. Possibly see if you can persuade someone to either make you breakfast or meet you for breakfast after you're done with your run. Bloody Mary after a long run? Yes. Please!
6. Fit it into a race that's near-by. Everything almost always more fun in a race environment, so why not? Maybe you'll even get a medal out of it!
7. Look forward to having the rest of the day completely free AND you'll be energized to get something productive done. Hello chores that I've been meaning to do for the past 3 weeks...
8. Arrange to meet up with other runners early. There's nothing more motivating that knowing that someone else is also up early and waiting for you!
How do you get yourself out of the door early on the weekends?
What do you have on-tap for today? -> I've got 6 recovery miles at an easy pace!