Hot Yoga & Run-Commuting
Good morning! Yesterday was a crazy hectic day as I had so much work to-do, didn't get much sleep, and had to get the oil changed in my car. SO to try to fit everything in, I decided I would drop my car off at the dealership at 6am and then run-commute to work (I had already dropped off my purse/lunch at work since I drive by and packed a backpack that I would run with). First time doing this and it was pretty great! However, it was SO chilly out to start the day (30 degrees) and my mittens/hat were already packed in my bag that I was taking to New Mexico.
After freezing my butt off during my run (but it was so beautiful out), I began my crazy day at work (then walked to the ice rink (still sans car) and taught a few lessons).
Isn't amazing how great you feel after a morning run in the sun?
I then decided to finish out my day with some hot yoga to help me relax, de-stress, and hopefully help me get a good nights sleep (which it did)!
My bags are packed and we are off to make our drive to Albuquerque! So excited :)
Have you ever run-commuted to work?
Favorite snack during the day?
Hot yoga- yay or nay?