Feature Friday: Running With The Kenyans Book Review, Trying Something New-To-Me

Happy Friday! Finally we are out of January and into a MUCH shorter (hopefully less cold) month. I’m also trying something new-to-me diet-wise for the month: going vegan. NOW before you get all judgmental and say things like ‘how do you plan get to all your iron’ or ‘why would you want to do a thing like that?’ - hear me out. Whenever I find myself either in a food-making slump, having stomach issues (I had some major cramps on my long run last Sunday), or just in general not excited about my breakfast/lunch/dinner options —> I look to switch things up. I would really love to find out what types of foods agree with my gut and which ones don’t and eliminating everything besides fruit/ vegetables/ beans/ grains (gluten-free) seems like the way to go at the moment. I don’t forsee it as lasting longer than a month because I truly love pizza, burgers, steaks, chicken, BACON all that goodness. I also love cheese. But if I’m able to find out which foods make my body feel great and which ones do not- I think that worth it for the month. I have so many recipes I can’t wait to make and will be absolutely loading up on things like Molasses (in my granola), Tempeh (I’ve never tried it, but honestly it is so good for you- it’s made from fermented soybeans and has loads of B vitamins, calcium, iron), Chickpeas, lots of nuts. I am most certainly NOT doing it for “losing weight” “getting stronger” or to potentially boost my running performance (unlike this article mentions Scott Jurek did it for). I would love to just cut down (or maybe out?) the digestive issues that sometimes wreak havoc on me throughout the day.

ON other news- let’s do another book review!


I recently finished Running With The Kenyans by Adharanand Finn. This book was a bit slow to start for me, but then I couldn’t put it down when he started to go into more detail about his training for his first marathon. Finn & his family packs up from London and moves to Kenya to study the Kenyan running way it Iten (one of the most popular (if not, most popular) running/training destination in the world). While there, he decides to sign-up and train for his first marathon and recruit several local runners to train with him. I love how he recaps their long run sessions (how mentally he felt through the run- I could totally relate) and the community that he describes there.

While he never truely uncovers the ‘secret’ to why Kenyans are such exceptional runners, they are all so humble and he does an excellent job of describing each individual that he meets (even Mary Keitany!). If you’re interested in an insight into training for your first marathon, Kenyan running, or just travel in general- I highly recommend this book.


I’d love to know your thoughts on the book if you’ve read it?

Any books you can recommend to me?!?

If you are a Vegan + runner —> send me your favorite recipe!