Friday Feature: My Plan For The Salt Lake City Marathon!

Happy Friday! I hope you have something fun planned for this weekend and if you're racing, GOOD LUCK! I'm on route to SLC as of noon today, but wanted to quickly share with you some of my goals for the marathon tomorrow morning. I've had a solid training cycle, but remaining healthy and recovering smart after the race are my biggest goals. I've put a big goal of trying to break 3:40 in the marathon this year and like to use small stepping stones to get me to bigger goals (like qualifying for the Boston Marathon). So, I'm hoping this race will just be a stepping stone to getting me to that qualifying time one day. 


Here's my goals for race day TOMORROW:

A. Have fun and enjoy every mile!

B. Negative-split

C. PR. This would be breaking anything under 3:55:33

Here are my pace-goals for the race tomorrow:

-Miles 1-10: relax and hold-back my pace. Keep form in-check and take fuel every 5 miles. Keep my pace between 8:45-8:50.

-Miles 10-15: settle into an 8:35 pace and stay strong through the hilly sections

-Miles 15-20: hold onto an 8:35/8:30 pace and keep taking gels every 5 miles

-Miles 20-23: hit goal-pace of 8:20

-Miles 23-finish: If I'm feeling strong, try to go below 8:20. If I'm struggling, hold on to 8:20 pace and finish with a smile.

Have a great Friday and weekend everyone!

One thing you're looking forward to this weekend? --> definitely an Inn and Out burger after the race!

MS Run The US Week 15 Training Rundown

Humpday! We're less than 50 days away from the start of my MS Run The US Relay Start line! AND less than 15 days away from the start of the Salt Lake City Marathon! Also I cannot believe that I failed to mention that we've officially entered into my Birthday month (it's on the 23rd). Although it will probably be gray/cloudy/rainy on my birthday, it's still one of my favorite days (I love holidays and birthdays) to celebrate another year of health, happiness, and achieving/setting goals. I also cannot believe I'm officially getting into my late 20's. Gosh. I feel old. As if logging into Facebook now and seeing names that I no longer know (because so many are married/ legally changed their last names) and so many baby photos didn't remind me! 


Anyways, I got completely off subject and now let's recap my last peak week before the SLC Marathon! I ran a total of 63 miles and got up exceptionally early (4am) every morning last week to fit my runs in and worked over 55 hours!! I'm honestly shocked that I made it through every workout and while I didn't *nail* my tempo run, I've learned that doing marathon-paced runs right at the beginning of the week isn't the best idea and will try mine this morning instead of bright and early on Mondays. I also managed to fit in a 20 mile long run (15 miles and then 5 miles later on) AND negative-split it. So that was really exciting for me! The runners high from that workout is still going strong 5+ days later.... ; )

Foam rolling with kittens before 5am...that was least they're super cute...

Foam rolling with kittens before 5am...that was least they're super cute...

Monday: 1.5 mi warm-up; 10 miles @ goal marathon pace 8:20-8:35 (actual: 8:31); 1.5 mi cool-down -> 13 miles total


Tuesday: 8 miles easy @ 10:05 478' elevation gain + 15 minutes of strength


Wednesday: 1.6 mi warm-up; 3 x 2 mi repeats @ 8:00-8:10 (800m (0.5 mi) recovery between sets)--> splits: 8:07; 8:03; 8:10; 1.9 mile cool-down --> 11 miles total


Thursday: 8 miles easy @ 10:00 + 10 min strength


Friday: 15 miles long-slow pace (9:03-9:18 goal) + 5 miles long-slow pace (9:03-9:18 goal) later on at lunchtime. Splits looked like this: first 5 miles @ 9:45; next 5 miles @ 9:20ish; next 5 miles @ 9:00ish; last 5 miles @ 8:50ish --> first 15 miles avg @ 9:21; last 5 miles avg @ 8:51. Foam rolled/iced afterwards and really didn't feel sore at all.

Saturday: 30 minutes of strength/foam rolling & 3 miles easy @ 10:21

Sunday: Rest Day --> lots of foam rolling & legs up the wall! & tart cherry juice extract

Positive Splits:

  • Negative-split my long run (yes, negative splits here is a good thing!)
  • Still fit in 3 strength training sessions
  • Hit my splits on my speedwork session!
  • Fit in my mileage and focused on nutrition

Negative Splits:

  • Tempo run could've been better
  • Didn't fit in as *much* recovery items as I would have liked (epsom salt baths/ legs up the wall/ recovery yoga)

How's your training going?

One thing you splurged on last week? <-- finished the last 5 miles of my long run and got a chocolate shake from DQ. It was amazing. Also got in a nap in the afternoon before the ice show that night. Perfect afternoon ; )

Spring Weather (FINALLY) & How I Get Out Of A Running Rut

It's finally starting to feel like spring here. I've been SO tired of putting on a million layers/ multiple pairs of pants/socks and freezing cold when I hop in the shower after a chilly early morning run. Yesterday morning it was above 32* outside when I started my run @ 6am and it felt amazing! I really hope it sticks around, but it was 15* on my run this morning so who knows what the weather will be like for the rest of this week....I'm guessing we'll get a mix of: snow/rain/ice/sunshine/bluebird sky/ cloudy. Oh well. Spring weather will be here before we know it! SERIOUSLY! It will be!



247.52 miles for the month of March is pretty exciting! My year-to-date running mileage is: 662. 37! How many miles did you run in March? Best accomplishment for the month? I think mine is probably getting over my sinus infection and still getting in two 60+ mileage weeks!

Speaking of do you get out of a running rut? Sometimes I just really do not feel like going out for a run! Does this ever happen to anyone else? I feel lazy or tired or let's be honest: not wanting to shower after I run (because A. I'm lazy). I've found a few tricks to help me get through a running rut and would love to know what yours are as well! 

  • Switch up my running route. Pick somewhere where you've NEVER run before and head on out there! This one always helps me and gets me excited to explore.


  • Test out new clothes/shoes/tech gear etc. Anything new and shiny always speaks to me and gets me motivated to test it out! I've got a new pair of Brooks Ghost 10s waiting for me to test out on tomorrow morning's second-to-last marathon-paced run!


  • Play with your paces or try out a new workout. Maybe try a ladder workout or switch your paces up at every light post. 


  • Give yourself 10 minutes to get outside and try out running. If you're still not feeling it after that, then maybe it's time to take a day off. 


  • Try to give yourself something fun as a reward for after you get your run done. Some of my favorites: mani/pedi , ice cream, bookstore shopping (i know..i'm a geek), epsom salt bath, dinner out, etc. 

What are some of your favorite ways to get yourself out of a running rut? 

Happy Tuesday! What's one thing you're looking forward to doing today? <-- taking an epsom salt bath tonight!!! Also got a new Hello Fresh delivery last night, so looking forward to a delicious healthy meal that requires very little planning.