Loco Marathon Training RECAP!

I cannot believe that 12 weeks went by SO fast?!?This was my first ‘training just for the marathon’ marathon cycle in 2 years (I’ve ran 2 marathons since then, PR’d both of the marathons, and trained for ultras during those times). I finally kicked my Plantar Fasciitis this past summer and have not had any aches or niggles since then! This was my first-time creating my own marathon plan and I really think that I found the sweet-spot for training for me. It never felt stale, overwhelming, or boring.


Total Mileage Ran: 486.8 miles


Longest Weekly Mileage: 55 miles


Longest Cross-Training BIke Ride: 10 miles


Average Number of Strength Training Sessions Per Week: 3


Longest Run: 20.2 miles


Races Ran: 1 half marathon at the end of running 7 easy miles (20.2 miles for the day)

Favorite Speed Workout: .75 warm-up, 2 x 2 mile repeats (7:49/ 7:41) with .5 recovery, 800 (7:42), .75 cool down


Proudest Run: Those 3 x 20 milers that I had in my training plan and all of which I negative-split!


Favorite Pump-Up Jam: Downtown by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis


Race day plan?: You better believe that I have one, but am I going to share it? Nah, probably not ; )


One thing that I grew from the most: Realizing how important sleep and nutrition are and making those a priority for this training cycle

Loco Marathon Training RUNdown Week 12: 10/14-10/20

Last weekly recap before race day! This past week was my first taper week and I felt pretty great. I had to keep slowing myself down on my runs and feel like my fitness may be peaking at just the right moment. Cheers to 4 days left until race day.

Monday, 10/14: 5 easy miles at 9:43 pace and 6.54 mile bike ride


Tuesday, 10/15: 10.02 mile bike ride


Wednesday, 10/16: 5 easy morning miles at 9:25 pace


Thursday, 10/17: 9 morning miles with 6 x 1 mile repeats (7:30, 7:30, 7:30, 7:29, 7:45, 7:31). Half on the treadmill and the remaining outside during the crazy windy/rainy Bomb Cyclone


Friday, 10/18: 10 easy miles at 9:35 pace and band work/ yoga


Saturday, 10/19: Rest Day!

Sunday, 10/20: 5 easy miles at 9:34 pace and band work


Total Miles: 34.1 miles

Total Elevation: 528’ up

Loco Marathon Training RUNdown Week 11: 10/7-10/13

It was a BUSY week last week and I finally got a bit of a break this past Monday/Tuesday from schoolwork/ working/ commuting/running. It was MUCH needed. Last week was my big ‘peak week’ before the marathon! It’s so crazy to me how quickly the past 13 weeks have gone and it’s even crazier to me how well-executed it went! This is my first race that I actually ‘marathon trained specifically for’ in over 2 years and I’m really excited to see how well I can execute this race coming up! It’s all about recovery, rest, and mainly easy miles from here until race day. Let’s recap last week’s 55 miles! Also side note: I’m really excited that I can finally start to put my hair up in a nice bun on top of my head again- it’s been so long!

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Monday, 10/7: 1 mile warm up / 12 x 400m (400 R) (7:20/ 6:59/ 7:05/ 7:22/ 7:01/ 7:07/ 6:59/ 6:54/ 7:21/ 7:07/7:06/ 7:04)/ 1 mile cool down & strength


Tuesday, 10/8: 6 easy miles 9:40 pace


Wednesday, 10/9: 7 easy miles at 9:59 pace & strength


Thursday, 10/10: 20 miles! Executed well with a negative split and a fast 800 at mile 19 of the run.


Friday, 10/11: 2 mile hike with Stella! Rest day otherwise.


Saturday, 10/12: 7 easy miles at 9:56 pace after working all day. Woof. That was hard.


Sunday, 10/13: 7 easy morning miles before another full workday



-Anyone else in the taper right now or coming up on peak week? How’re you feeling? Have the ‘taper crazies’ hit you yet?!?

Loco Marathon Training RUNdown Week 8: 9/16-9/22

We’re almost a month out from my marathon! I’ve got 2 more 20 milers left on the schedule, then we will be in the taper! It’s crazy to think just how close I am to running my 8th marathon?!? I’ve been really enjoying my own ‘self-made’ training plan this time around and am hoping that it will get me to the start line feeling stronger and more prepared than ever (only time will tell).

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This last week was a cut-back week for mileage and I fit in my half marathon by taking a few extra rest days and cross training days instead of running all the miles. It felt good to mentally step-back for a minute, get in a long run in a race-format, and recover well post-race.

Monday, 9/16: 1 mile warmup/ 2 x 3 mile repeats (8:10 & 7:59 avgs)/ 1 mile cool down -> 9 miles total


Tuesday, 9/17: 5 miles easy post-clinical shift

Wednesday, 9/18: strength training & 20 minutes on the bike!


Thursday, 9/19: 6 miles easy


Friday, 9/20: Rest day

Saturday, 9/21: 7 miles & 13.13 race miles!


Sunday, 9/22: Rest Day

Total Miles: 40.2 miles

Total elevation: 873’ up