The Race That Was The Most Fun

OK. So when I was looking back at my races for the year, this one really stood out to me. It wasn’t so much that I PR’d or how well trained I was, but everything about it was just FUN. I would absolutely have called myself crazy a few years ago just imaging that a marathon could be considered anything other than pure torture, but here we are. Don’t get me wrong, the race course was challenging (crazy hills in the second half of the course), but I raced so much smarter than I had in any other race (I actually really held back on the crazy downhill that the first portion of the race has)- which is why I think the outcome was so enjoyable.


I mean, honestly- who else would be smiling this big at mile 25 of a marathon?!? Plus this photo makes me look like a total Bada$$ with the motorcycle behind me ; ) It probably doesn’t at all, but I like to think of myself as a Des Linden leading the pack in this picture.


I trained so well for it and honestly was in the best shape of my life. I worked really hard in training on hills, so when they came in the later miles they didn’t feel too bad. This was also the first race where I wasn’t dependent on music. I actually didn’t even pop in music until mile 22 or 23! I remember starting to feel a bit tired, but got really excited when I remembered I could turn on my favorite playlist and just zone out for those last few miles.


PLUS the race gave you FREE PHOTOS! I mean, come on- that just makes it all more fun. The weather was hot, but not unbearable and I just had so much to look forward to post-race (I think that helps us mentally as well).


I remember completing the race feeling tired, but not disappointed or exhausted. I actually easily felt like I could have kept running and never once really pushed my pace (which gives me even more confidence going into Eugene this coming Spring- if I can run a 3:52 and not really push the pace, getting that sub 3:40 with more training and a flatter course should definitely be do-able).

This race was absolutely a party for 26.2 miles- plus, passing A LOT of people in the later miles of a marathon was super fun (ha).


Also a few other things happening right now to catch you up on.

Hot Cocoa & mini marshmallows are still amazing.


Resupplied on my Nuun and hoping it takes me through my Eugene training, but I’m not confident. I LOVE rehydrating with Nuun!


What was your ‘most fun’ race of 2018? WHY?!?

What’s the three best things a race can offer (in your opinion)? —> free race photos, ample opportunity for crowd support, signs/ encouragement when crowds are thin in certain areas of the race.

A Peak Into How I'll Be Training For Eugene

Happy Friday-eve! Anyone else really looking forward to the weekend? Work-weeks after a long weekend are so tough. At least we have another long-ish weekend in another few weeks for Christmas!


Here’s a little preview of what my training for Eugene Marathon will look like (I’ll be following Hanson’s Marathon Method- my FAVORITE marathon training calendar):

  • I’ll begin training on December 24th (Christmas Eve) for 18 weeks!

  • I’ll peak at 64 miles and get in one 20-mile long run (I adjust Hanson’s plan a bit to make sure I get in at least one 20 mile long run)

  • My goal is a sub 3:40 marathon. While I’d love to get that BQ in Eugene, I think sub 3:40 is a very realistic goal for me. During my last 3 half marathons when I’ve been going up hill or just feeling a bit sluggish, 8:20 pace has been my default for those times (which would be my goal pace during the marathon). Which is why I’ve settled on that time goal.

  • I’ll have 2-3 workouts a week and run 6 days a week (mainly easy miles) with some speed/ strength/ and tempo work thrown in there.

  • I want to run a half marathon 4-5 weeks out from Eugene (although not sure on what half yet)!


Ever followed the Hanson’s Marathon Method?

Ever ran Eugene before- GIVE ME YOUR TIPS!

What are you currently reading right now?