50 Miler Training RUndown 5/20-5/26

Happy Humpday! Last week was my second taper week. I also adjusted my training plan a bit because I didn’t want to go too much above 60 miles in the week (since I generally use the 10% rule every-other-week to add additional mileage). I did 57 miles the week before I began to taper, so around 60 was a good sweet-spot for me. SO that meant that I really only had around 10 miles to cover before race day (bonus when you run a really long race ; ) ….).

Monday, 5/20: Rest day. First day of classes!

Tuesday, 5/21: 4 miles with 4 x 2:00 surges (1 minute off)


Wednesday, 5/22: 3 miles easy


Thursday, 5/23: 30 minute hike at 12% incline on the treadmill & stretching


Friday, 5/24: Rest Day. Picked up my bib!

Saturday, 5/25: 2 miles easy with 4 x :20 strides


Sunday, 5/26: RACE DAY! 52.1 miles


Total Mileage: 61.2 miles

Total Elevation: 5, 095’ up


Happy Memorial Day! The best day to kick-off summer with cook-outs, gardening, and spending time with friends and family. I hope you have the BEST day. I’ll be having a pretty grand day because I DID IT!


I’ve got my 50 miler race recap here for you.

I may have also bought out the entire Rite Aid with blister band-aids. Sorry if you needed some.


Have a fantastic day!

It's TIME. 50 Miler Training Recap

The time is here! I can’t believe I’m going to be running 50 miles on Sunday?!? I’m really excited and no nerves (yet). My training honestly felt really strong and I’m mentally prepared thanks to my MS Run The US relay last year at this time. It’s supposed to be in the mid 70’s (so a bit warm) and possible thunderstorms later in the day (hopefully I’ll be finished before they start).

Flashback to many, many snowy runs!


I gained so much elevation, continued with strength training three times a week, and somehow ended up with a half marathon PR.


I also snagged a marathon PR


I ran outside as much as possible and climbed as much elevation/ hilly routes as I could possibly find (since there was limited trail access during most of my training).


I had some really mentally tough runs, including some double-digit runs where I was honestly so exhausted. BUT I pushed through them and find more strength within me than I knew I had.


I got to run along the pacific ocean during my training!


I also got to explore some trails before moving back to Maine and beginning the taper!


I ran 858.50 miles this training cycle and gained 42, 579’ in elevation over 25 weeks. I feel strong, prepared, and ready.

I’ve got all of my food ready for my crew. I know I’ve overpacked and they’ll have a lot of stuff that I may want, but I also don’t want to leave anything to chance! I’ve got a few pairs of socks to change and various shoes (I hope to change them each of my three loops since it will be pretty muddy out there). My plan is to also eat something every 30-35 minutes (whether a gel or real food, but I want to try to stick to as much real food as I can).


I picked up my bib today and saw the start/ finish line! So incredibly beautiful out there!


Ready for a day of challenges, running, exploring, meeting new runners, and celebrating all of my training!



Plans for the long weekend?!?

Anyone else racing this weekend? GOOD LUCK!

50 Miler Training RUNdown 5/5-5/12

Happy Humpday! I’ve finally put together my shopping list for my 50 miler


The cats are well-adjusted I think. Every morning I wake up and find a new toy on my bed. Ha.


Last week was my first taper week and it was pretty low key. We traveled until Tuesday evening, so most of the week was spent either on the road or adjusting/unpacking.

Monday, 5/5: 30 minute progression run on a treadmill at the hotel in Buffalo!


Tuesday, 5/6: Rest Day

Wednesday, 5/7: 5 miles easy. Running at sea level feels so much easier!

Thursday, 5/8: 6.2 miles 10 minute warm-up/ 4 x 5 minutes hard (1 min Recovery)/ 10 minute cool-down & some strength


Friday, 5/9: Rest Day/ Yoga

Saturday, 5/10: 4.3 miles total including impromptu trail 5k and took 3rd female overall


Sunday, 5/11: 8 miles easy


Total Mileage: 27.3 miles

50 Miler Training RUNdown 5/5-5/12, I Need Your TIPS!

Happy Weekend! I wanted to make sure to share with you last weeks training recap since it was my last training week in Colorado (and last higher mileage until 50 miles)! I’m full into the taper now and am starting to put together my ‘packing list’ for race day- anyone have any tips or suggestions on what to pack?!? I know I want to switch shoes at every 25k (where I will meet my crew) and food-staples, but otherwise not so sure. Sunscreen, bug spray, tums, ginger ale - what are your favorites?!?

Monday, 5/6: 22.01 miles easy @ 12:19 1, 333’ & Strength


Tuesday, 5/7: 12 miles easy 1, 219’ up


Wednesday, 5/8: 8 miles easy 10:46 715’ up & strength

A whole ‘lotta R & R too!

A whole ‘lotta R & R too!

Thursday, 5/9: Last Hill Repeats! 15 min w/u / 1 min, 3 min, 5 min, 7 min, 5 min, 3 min, 1 min (1/2 time recovery), cool down until I hit 10 miles 10:10 pace 1,430’ up. This felt real good and it was fun to see a below 8 minute pace on some of the uphill sprints. Nothing makes you feel more bada** (in my opinion), than climbing some hills!


Friday, 5/10: 5.01 miles easy 9:45 98’ up. I was having some major pre-travel anxiety and NEEDED this run so much. I have never not felt better after running. When all else fails, RUN.


Saturday, 5/11: Rest Day! Travel day. We drove from Colorado to somewhere in Nebraska!

Sunday, 5/12: Rest Day. Travel day # 2. We drove from middle of Nebraska to just outside of Chicago!

Total Mileage: 57 miles

Total Elevation: 4, 797’ up