Eugene/50 Miler Training Week 16 RUNdown: 4/8-4/14
Ok, so if you say my post yesterday then you know that things did NOT go as planned last week. BUT I’m moving on and not dwelling on it. We can only do so much and sometimes, it’s our bodies way of communicating that we need to slow down before injury or illness happens (and I definitely DO NOT want a repeat of Vegas Half 2018 where I had bronchitis leading up to/at the race!).
Monday, 4/8: 7.55 easy miles at 10:24 157’ up
Tuesday, 4/9: Rest Day/ Yoga
Wednesday, 4/10: 10 miles with 7.52 at goal marathon pace (8:35 I believe today?) & lotsa strength
Thursday, 4/11: 8.5 miles easy at i’m not sure what pace with 480’ up
Friday, 4/12: 5 miles easy @ 9:58 and lotsa strength
Saturday, 4/13: Rest day. 9.5 hours in the car….fun!
Sunday, 4/14: Another rest day!
Total Mileage: 31.05 miles
Total Elevation: 637’ up