7 Things
Happy Monday! I’m on week 2 of my fun-employment and can’t believe how fast time has gone. I begin my new full-time RN position next week and cannot be more excited. Almost as excited/ nervous as I was when I had my first banana split this summer.
The foliage here right now is just the best. I love Fall in New England.
I took a break from listening to Running podcasts while I was studying for my Nursing Boards and now it feels so nice to catch back up on my favorites. Also- just running right now feels pretty great. I ran 41 miles this week and hoping to hit another 40+ this week!
Coffee and a good book in the mornings is one of my favorite things. If I had like 5 hours each morning I think it would always be filled with coffee, reading, journaling, yoga, & Running. What would you do with an in-interrupted 5 hours each morning?
Running Home is such a good book so far. There are many passages that resonate with me and why I run. Including this one:
I’m definitely a competitive person and miss those in-person races! I signed up for one next month, but then realized that I work until 7:30 the morning of the race (so that certainly won’t work). I love the thrill of chasing others and those post-race endorphins. The virtual 5k that I did this weekend was fun, but I have a really hard time running really fast on my own!
When they cuddle like this, my heart just melts into a million pieces. I mean- how can you not think that’s adorable?!
How was your weekend?
Anyone else miss racing in-person or have advice for pushing yourself in virtual races?
Banana splits- tell me your thoughts!