What I'm Currently......

Happy Friday! We finally made it to the weekend and I’m kicking off a new Friday Series—> What I’m Currently….! It will encompass all things that I’m eating/ reading/ loving/ current events/ confused by/ wishing I had/ excited about etc.

So here we go!

Currently loving….

That I got into the Beach 2 Beacon 10k! My training runs. Working on my mental fitness while on the run. This podcast episode. This planner. Carbs.

Currently excited for…..

SPRING RUNS. Running a MARATHON in 44 days. Traveling to the PNW for the first time!! So many things.

Currently reading……

THIS book. So good. Go order it right now. I’ve been limiting my books purchases (by going to the library), but I will be buying this one. I can’t fall asleep after reading it because I’m so inspired.

Currently watching……

THIS documentary during yesterday morning’s treadmill run. There may be nothing more entertaining to watch while running than someone on the run (and kicking butt at their goals)!

Currently wishing…….

That it could get both lighter in the morning AND the evening rather than just one during Daylight Savings Time. I love that it’s lighter out later, but I REALLY love when it gets lighter in the morning as well. Running with a headlamp in the AM is just not appeasing to me anymore. Ready for Summer.

Currently thinking………..

I should definitely try to put my name in for the London Marathon lottery for 2020 because my race lottery streak just keeps improving (got into this one, this one, AND this one). Or maybe Berlin 2020? Or maybe NYC 2020? What do you think? Probably all three is a bit aggressive…..

Currently wondering……

If the snow will ever melt or if it will just morph from ‘Spring’ to ‘Fall’ snow without any Summer in the middle? What are the best shoes to do a 50 mile trail run in when it’s muddy (because they snow may not be melted by then at the rate we’re going!)? Is duct-taping my feet pre-50 miler the best plan?

Currently planning…….

My mom and mine’s trip post-Eugene marathon! We’re planning a trip up the coast of Oregon (I’ve heard it’s BEAUTIFUL) and need suggestions! Anyone have anything they’ve absolutely loved along the coast? Must-sees? Must-dos? TELL ME EVERYTHING.


What are some things that are on your ‘currently’ list? Loving? Watching? Reading? Planning? Wishing?

Being Flexible, I Wish I Were Here, And Needing Travel!

Happy Friday! Welp. Yesterday’s run did NOT go initially as planned. You know how you sometimes just have a feeling that somethings off or you just get distracted a little too easily? Yeah. that was definitely my morning. I didn’t sleep super well because there’s a light outside of our condo that is supposed to be a sensor light, but instead of going off sometimes it just stays on all night (and proceeds to illuminate our entire room). Alex can honestly sleep through anything, but I need basically complete darkness! So needless to say, I was tired when my 4am alarm went off (as well as already partially awake) and then I just took forever to get ready for my run. I drank coffee, cuddled in my heated blanket, ate breakfast, did my strength work, contemplated where I should do my goal marathon paced miles, and before I knew it- Alex was awake and it was 5:45?!?


Yeah, I guess I got very easily distracted. I also should have stuck to my initial plan of leaving at 5am and doing my run on the treadmill.


I finally left our house around 6:15 and got into Steamboat where it was almost 20* COLDER than our home?!? AKA it was 4* and I was NOT wearing the right layers. I did one slow mile (sooo icy out!) and called it.


Luckily, I had a bit of flexibility in my day and decided to just do easy miles and will do my long run this morning (hopefully outside if it’s warm enough!- second week of back-to-back longish runs for my 50 miler training!) and do my goal paced miles on Sunday. It actually works out for the best because I was a bit concerned about getting in 8 miles Saturday morning before we left for our ski adventure and now I’ll have just 5 to get in instead (much more manageable!).

I’m glad I was so flexible about my schedule, but wow did some curveballs try to deter me from my run or what?!? Isn’t it funny how determined we (as runners are)? I know a lot of people who honestly would have just bagged their entire workout plans, but I’m glad that my stubbornness didn’t let me!

ALSO- I’m following along on all those RunDisney marathon weekend posts (and proceeding to be SO JEALOUS). Throwback to the time that I signed up for the Goofy Challenge and then ran 13.1 miles in the dark along a 3/4 mile strip on the road (finishing at 11:30pm) when the half marathon was cancelled due to crazy hurricane-like rain/wind/lightning! I will 100% do the Dopey Challenge someday. It’s on my bucketlist! Hmmm maybe a good ‘last hoorah’ before I turn 30 in 2020?!?


THIS VIEW was by far the best view I think I’ve ever had during any marathon. It was around mile 5? I think and so unbelievably beautiful before the sun came up. I want to go back just to experience it again (even though it was SO COLD and windy the entire race).


I’m super excited to travel somewhere tomorrow (other than Steamboat)- I feel like it’s really easy to get stuck here in town in the winter. It’s so much easier to travel in the Summer and everything just feels more accessible. I miss little things like a trip to Target or Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee or Trader Joes! I don’t think we’ll be driving by any of these things, but just going somewhere else is all I really need! Ohhh TBT to donuts after half marathons….yummm… Also almost complete committed to signing up for my goal half marathon here in CO- still trying to decide! Anyone else plan out their entire racing season like a year in advance?



Favorite post-race treat?

Are you flexible with your training plans or like to stick to a strict schedule?

Anyone racing Disney or do you also wish you were there?1?

Feature Friday: Checking In On Your Monthly Goals

Happy Friday! Last day of November! How are you spending it?!? It’s been the craziest week at work (normally the week after Black Friday is…) and I’m more-than-ready for the weekend. Also cannot wait to pick up our Christmas tree! I’m so happy that running is back in my life and while my mileage is low, it feels so good to just get in a few miles most days during the week. Anyone else put up their Christmas tree yet?!?

Let’s check back on my November goals before setting new ones for December:

November Goals:

  • Purchase only needs not wants- Basically check. This is MUCH harder to do when you go on Vacation, but I really didn’t purchase anything crazy!

  • Learn how to crochet- Done!

  • Hold a plank for 4 minutes

  • Cook Thanksgiving dinner!- Check!

  • Yoga 1x/ week- Almost check. During the first two weeks leading up to the race (and being sick) didn’t have as much yoga as I would have liked (i.e. none…)

  • Take 2 FULL WEEKS OFF from running after the race in Vegas -CHECK!

  • Make a recipe from scratch- nope. but I DID cook a Turkey so that totally counts for something.

Overall, I really did great in November. Going into the end of the year, I always feel like it’s more challenging to stay accountable with your goals so happy to have hit most of them. Also feeling really excited that I’ve stuck with my end-of-the-month checkins and working towards my 2018 goals! This is the first time that I’ve ever held myself accountable for what I wanted to work on for the year and really felt like each month I was making it happen.

December goals:

  • Stay present in the moment more

  • Read 1 book

  • Purchase only needs, not wants

  • Yoga 1x / week

  • Go skiing at a new-to-me mountain

  • Skin up the mountain twice

  • Make a snowman


Do you have your Christmas tree up?

Favorite Holiday cookie recipes- share them with me!

Three things you’re doing this weekend?

Feature Friday: On The Road & Songs On My Running Playlist!

Happy Friday! I’m so excited to check off a new state off my half marathon race bucket list tomorrow morning. I’m also really excited to visit the Expo later today (Vacation Races are seriously one of my favorite race series- they have some of the best swag and absolutely incredible views). I’m also pretty pumped for how many cupcakes I can consume post-race.

My goal for the half tomorrow morning is to do the first 6 miles easy (which will be challenging to hold back on my pace!), next 6 cutting back to half marathon race pace, final 2 miles all-out. I’m also planning to do a mile warm-up before the race to shake-out my legs.

I’m still in the process of putting together my playlist for the morning, but here are some songs that I’ve been really LOVING right now.

Also I literally CANNOT stop watching this dance video. Obsessed.

Also a little Friday Funny video from The Ellen Show because we all need a reason to laugh today. I love Ellen so much. Go watch it right meow.

What are some songs that are on your race-day playlist?

Favorite race series?

Cupcakes or cake?