Training Tuesday: HOMEMADE Long Run Fuel Recipe!

Happy Tuesday! It’s BEEN A DAY. We got a crazy amount of ice and snow last night and I still had my clinical this morning (all the schools close to where we live got cancelled, but not where my campus/clinical is held), so I had to commute! My drive took AN HOUR longer than it should have and I was late and yeah…it was most certainly the Monday-ist Tuesday I’ve had in quiet some time. I can’t wait to get home tonight and do a total “day reset”. Flashback to this cute photo I took with Maples a few months ago.


I thought it would be fun to share with you the recipe I use from Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow cookbook for their Energy Squeeze Marathon Fuel. I ended up using this for my last race day and had ZERO gut issues! It really worked so well for me. I highly recommend picking up a copy of this cookbook because every recipe I’ve had in it is amazing.


1/2 cup mashed sweet potato

1/2 cup finely chopped dates

2 tablespoons peanut butter

1 teaspoon chia seeds

1/8 teaspoon high-quality sea salt

I put each individual serving (this recipe gives you three servings total) in a ziploc bag and carry it with me on the run (or pop it in my car to pick-up while out on my long run).


I like to alternate an energy squeeze with a 1/2 of a banana.


What’s your favorite gel to have on the run? Anyone else ever tried to make their own?

Being Flexible, I Wish I Were Here, And Needing Travel!

Happy Friday! Welp. Yesterday’s run did NOT go initially as planned. You know how you sometimes just have a feeling that somethings off or you just get distracted a little too easily? Yeah. that was definitely my morning. I didn’t sleep super well because there’s a light outside of our condo that is supposed to be a sensor light, but instead of going off sometimes it just stays on all night (and proceeds to illuminate our entire room). Alex can honestly sleep through anything, but I need basically complete darkness! So needless to say, I was tired when my 4am alarm went off (as well as already partially awake) and then I just took forever to get ready for my run. I drank coffee, cuddled in my heated blanket, ate breakfast, did my strength work, contemplated where I should do my goal marathon paced miles, and before I knew it- Alex was awake and it was 5:45?!?


Yeah, I guess I got very easily distracted. I also should have stuck to my initial plan of leaving at 5am and doing my run on the treadmill.


I finally left our house around 6:15 and got into Steamboat where it was almost 20* COLDER than our home?!? AKA it was 4* and I was NOT wearing the right layers. I did one slow mile (sooo icy out!) and called it.


Luckily, I had a bit of flexibility in my day and decided to just do easy miles and will do my long run this morning (hopefully outside if it’s warm enough!- second week of back-to-back longish runs for my 50 miler training!) and do my goal paced miles on Sunday. It actually works out for the best because I was a bit concerned about getting in 8 miles Saturday morning before we left for our ski adventure and now I’ll have just 5 to get in instead (much more manageable!).

I’m glad I was so flexible about my schedule, but wow did some curveballs try to deter me from my run or what?!? Isn’t it funny how determined we (as runners are)? I know a lot of people who honestly would have just bagged their entire workout plans, but I’m glad that my stubbornness didn’t let me!

ALSO- I’m following along on all those RunDisney marathon weekend posts (and proceeding to be SO JEALOUS). Throwback to the time that I signed up for the Goofy Challenge and then ran 13.1 miles in the dark along a 3/4 mile strip on the road (finishing at 11:30pm) when the half marathon was cancelled due to crazy hurricane-like rain/wind/lightning! I will 100% do the Dopey Challenge someday. It’s on my bucketlist! Hmmm maybe a good ‘last hoorah’ before I turn 30 in 2020?!?


THIS VIEW was by far the best view I think I’ve ever had during any marathon. It was around mile 5? I think and so unbelievably beautiful before the sun came up. I want to go back just to experience it again (even though it was SO COLD and windy the entire race).


I’m super excited to travel somewhere tomorrow (other than Steamboat)- I feel like it’s really easy to get stuck here in town in the winter. It’s so much easier to travel in the Summer and everything just feels more accessible. I miss little things like a trip to Target or Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee or Trader Joes! I don’t think we’ll be driving by any of these things, but just going somewhere else is all I really need! Ohhh TBT to donuts after half marathons….yummm… Also almost complete committed to signing up for my goal half marathon here in CO- still trying to decide! Anyone else plan out their entire racing season like a year in advance?



Favorite post-race treat?

Are you flexible with your training plans or like to stick to a strict schedule?

Anyone racing Disney or do you also wish you were there?1?

Training Tuesday: Tips For Training For Your Next Half Marathon

Sorry for the late post! I've been having issues with my server most of the morning. I think (& hope) it's working for good this time!

It's finally cooling off here. It was in the 70s yesterday afternoon during my run and in the low 50s (with some humidity ahhhh so refreshing!) for my 6.81 miles this morning. I always used to lvoe ending my runs on the .5 or .0 marker, but I've relaxed a bit over the years ; )

Since I decided to make a half marathon my training goal for this Fall I figured it would be helpful to share some of the things that I've learned to help you train smart for your next half (whether it be your first or 50th)! I love running the half distance because training is never crazy-intense and you can still do other fun activities while training for one! I think it's taken me several marathon training cycles to realize that half training isn't as intense as I *once* thought it was!!

  • Know your course & train for it. If your course will be hilly, make sure to throw in atleast one hilly run a week. If it's going to be downhill, maybe do a few longer runs on the treadmill on the decline option. 


  • Map out your prior commitments and know how you'll still fit in your training that week/day. This is something I DIDN'T do during my first half training cycle and ended up missing a few long runs towards the end of my training cycle. If you know you'll be out of town on the weekend, maybe plan to get your long run (or harder run) in before you leave. 


  • Have a target pace range for what you want to run the race in and then know what your "easy" pace will be. I didn't start to vary my training paces until the last few years and WOW did it make a difference! My easy paces are typically 2:00-2:30 minutes slower per mile than my target half marathon pace range (7:40-8:00 min/mile). 
  • Try out various gels and chews during your longer runs. Long runs are a great opportunity to test out various gels/ chews/ water/ nutrition before the run and how often you need a gel. I would only typically take a gel after 6 miles, but found that I actually needed one every 4.5 miles to keep me from potentially bonking. 


  • Wear your race day outfit at least once on a longer run before the race. Maybe your perfect race day outfit works great for a three mile run, but it starts chafing at 8 miles. Knowing that your outfit is still comfortable in those later miles will make all the difference come the big day. 


  • Train in the climate that your race will be at. Will your race day typically be hot or rainy or at night? Try to get in a few runs to help acclimate and simulate race day temperatures. I know for running Las Vegas Marathon last year (it starts at 4:30pm), I would do one marathon-paced run a week starting anywhere between 3 & 5pm after work. It wasn't the ideal start time for me, but I learned to make it work and practice my nutrition leading up to the start time. 


  • Don't give up if you have a bad training run (or two). When I was training for my first half marathon I remember getting really frustrated with how many times I had to stop and walk during those 8 miles. I didn't take into account how little sleep I had, how hot (and humid) it was outside, what my nutrition leading up to the run was like, etc. Accept it and move on. Bad runs happen to everyone- don't dwell on it. 
  • Adjust your goals if training isn't going the way you'd like it to. Not able to get in all the mileage on your training plan or something came up that made you miss an entire week of training? Regardless of your circumstances not every training cycle will go perfectly and know (and accept) when maybe this training cycle isn't meant for you to chase down a PR, but have fun or wear a crazy costume or focus on nailing a negative-split. There's a season for everything. 

What else would you add to the list of tips?

Rainy (but slightly humid runs)- love 'em or hate 'em?

Favorite temperature (and time of day) to run in? --> probably 50s/ low 60s cloudy 8am. 

What A Typical Training Day Looks Like For ME

So..I'm sure that you're just DYING to know what a typical day for me looks like (spoiler alert: you already know if you follow my Instragram Stories..)..I'm being slightly sarcastic but hey I needed something to share for today! My day started at 4:45am and ALWAYS coffee..


gotta check the training schedule for what's on tap... 3 x 1600!


Pre-Run fuel: Nuun & Toast/ PB/ Banana


On the road to the gym at 5:20! 30 minutes later...

IMG_7759.JPG the gym. treadmill claimed. rolling & then ready to RUN!


Breakfast! Oatmeal & Beet smoothie. 


Pilates Jumpboard Reformer class from 12-1pm!


Lunch finally at 1:30pm! I made this on Sunday (a giant batch) and put a little in tupperware for each day of the week. Spaghetti Squash, Roasted Veggies (broccolli, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, Yellow Squash, Onions, Zucchini), Chicken (from a whole roasted chicken I cooked on Sunday), Pasta Sauce


On the way home at 5:21pm! Alex made me dinner when I got home and two House of Cards episodes later...


In bed relaxing with tea, yoga toes, and a book by 8:40pm!


What time do you get up? 

How do you fit everything in throughout the day?!

Marathon training runs- do you split them up (one in the morning & one in the evening) or try to do it all at once?

My Running Wish-List Right Now & Tips to Fitting in High Mileage!

I kinda wish every week was only 4 days long because it's already Thursday and tomorrow is FRIDAY! I used to work at jobs where I would always get Fridays off and I kinda think I need to start that trend at my current job too- having that one extra day is really REALLY nice! Then we have one day to relax, one day to do errands/ cook, and one day to do something fun. It's a win-win-win. Hmph, someday !

I wanted to share with you a few things that are on my running wish-list right now because it's Fall and that means we need some new running gear heading into the cooler months (AKA winter). 

  • Brooks Ghost 10 - Because running high-mileage means I need another pair of these Ghost 10s (and they are seriously SO amazing). I wish wearing running shoes to work was appropriate. 
  • Brooks Juno Sports Bra- Finding good sports bras is difficult and I've had some in my dresser for ummm... 6 YEARS?!? If only I had all the money in the world I would try this highly recommended sports bra and when I found the perfect fit, I would purchase 10 of them and just throw out all my other ones. Someday....
  • Oiselle Flyout Long Sleeve- I live to layer on the run and this long-sleeved tee has the perfect cuts and thumbholes
  • Oiselle Caty Lady Racerback Bra- This just looks so amazingly comfy and warm that I know it will become a part of my wardrobe this upcoming winter season. I actually could picture myself wearing this in the summertime too because the girls are always a bit chilly...
  • Oiselle Wazzie Wool Base Layer- Another fantastically warm-looking base layer from Oiselle that I know I would live in come Fall/Winter/Spring (these seasons kinda just melt together here in the Mtns...). Perfect for those chilly runs or on the mountain or I would definitely wear this to work too. It's on sale right now, bonus!
  • 2xu Compression Run Socks-  Coming upon sock season, these are a must-have for recovery and I also really love to run/race in them. These are also on sale right now and look super cute when paired with a costume!

Kinda was a mistake for putting together a wish-list because now I know how many of these things are on sale and now I just want them all! But hopefully you are able to enjoy them for me and let me know how fantastic they are for running.

I also wanted to leave you with a few tips that I have for increasing your mileage since I've gone from consistently running 30-35 miles per week to 45-55 miles per week. 

  • Follow a training plan and slowly build up to your 1st week of training. Do NOT just jump into a training plan unless you've been consistently running that mileage each week. I like to put together my training plan calendar then go back 3-4 weeks from when actual training starts and take a few miles off from week 1 of training each week until I am at a normal weekly mileage for me at this point. 
  • Know yourself and when works best for you to fit in your runs. For me, I know that I tend to find more excuses if I wait to do my run later in the day. I also know that if I want to sleep in that morning, then I need to get my run in later in the day and plan everything else around that. Be flexible. I sometimes switch around my rest days too if I have something upcoming on the calendar that I know will be difficult to run on that day or maybe I'm just not feeling it. Know that it's OK to not stick to your training plan day by day. Each week is a new beginning!
  • Have a great support system. Alex is really great with knowing that I need to get my run in and I like to not put it off all day on the weekends, so he helps me get it in. Whether that means picking me up 8 miles down the road an hour later or dropping me off, running some errands, then picking me up somewhere else. 

Race recap of the Jackson Hole Hole Half is coming to the blog tomorrow! Get excited to hear all about it and don't forget to add it to your race calendars next year!

Have any tips for fitting in higher mileage weeks while training?

Favorite running gear? Did I miss anything that you LOVE to RUN in?