Feature Friday: Why Get A Flu Shot?

It’s that time of year again- No, not Holiday season- Flu Season! I feel as though there are more myths and rumors about getting a flu shot than just about anything else. “Getting the Flu Shot makes you sick”/ “It doesn’t do anything anyways “/ “I’m young, so I don’t need to worry” - any of these sound familiar?


Well, thankfully I’m here to help clear-up any confusion there is around the Flu shot!

Who Should Get The Flu Shot? Anyone 6 months of age & older.

Who shouldn’t get the Flu Shot? Those who have had a severe reaction to flu vaccines or ingredients in the vaccine, and those who are under 6 months of age. Talk with your doctor if you have an egg allergy, have Guillain-Barré syndrome, or if you’re feeling unwell.

What’s included in the Flu Shot? The vaccine injects antibodies into your body that take two weeks to develop. Once they develop, your body is better equipped to handle the vaccine. Research is done every year to help pinpoint what strands of the flu (influenza) could be spread among the communities.

Why get it every year? The strands might change from one year to the next. Your immune system also weakens over time, so it’s not as equipped to handle the virus the following season.

When should you get the vaccine? You should ideally get it before the flu starts to spread in your community (2 weeks before), however it’s recommended to wait no longer than the end of October. Can you still get the vaccination later in the season? Yes.

Do you get sick when you get the flu shot? The vaccine injects killed virus cells, so they are no longer activated - you cannot get the flu from receiving a flu shot. Some people might experience side effects from receiving the vaccine (should subside within 1-2 days): sore throat, headache, soreness, muscle aches, or swelling.

Can you still get the flu if you’re vaccinated? Yes. You might have already contracted the flu in the two week period leading up to your body building the antibodies, or you could have contracted a different strain of the flu than what the vaccine included. However, getting vaccinated yourself can protect those around you.

Where can you get vaccinated? You can go to your local doctors office, pharmacy, or walk-in clinic. I did mine at our local Walgreens and it took a total of 10 minutes.

Biggest benefits of getting a flu shot? It’s been shown to decrease Pediatric Intensive Care Unit admissions by 72% if children receive the flu shot, decrease cardiac related events, and decrease Intensive Care stays (think: more money in your pocket if you can decrease your time spent in the hospital this season).

I utilized the CDC website for guiding my post today. What other burning questions do you have about receiving the flu vaccine?

Workout Wednesday: Strength Moves & Gear For Runners

Happy Humpday! I’m here for another Workout Wednesday and sharing my favorite strength training moves to accompany running all the miles (and also various equipment that I’ve started to gather since having a home gym was the only way to get a workout in)! Strength training is a must to help you keep injuries at bay, get stronger, faster, and find your weak spots. Also- I apologize for the awful photo qualities. I really need to get on my phone upgrade! Remember: While I have my Bachelors in Science in Exercise Science, that still means that you should always consult your doctor before beginning or modifying your exercise program.

Exercise: Single- leg deadlifts

Equipment: Free Weights (I use between 5-8 Ibs).

Balance on one leg, keep your shoulders and hips over your standing leg and hinge from your hips (as one unit) forward. The goal is to balance while hinging, keeping your core engaged (belly button to your spine), and hip bones level (you don’t want one hip higher than the other). Work to do 10 on each side, 2 sets. Work-up to 15 on each side, 3 sets. You can also add a row as you’re hinged down to get in some extra core/balance/arm strength.


Exercise: Lunges

Equipment: Free-weights

I like to step back with my free leg rather than lunging forward (but you can do either or both!). Remember to not have your front knee go beyond your toes, look forward, and keep your core engaged. Start at 10 reps on each side, 2 sets. Work up to 15 reps on each side, 3 sets.


Exercise: Donkey Kicks

Equipment: Pilates Ball

Keeping your hips level, hold onto your pilates ball (I found mine on Amazon for $12!) behind your knee, and push your foot up towards the ceiling, then come back to the mat. You want to keep your core engaged, hands over shoulders, and the goal is to not extend your leg as much as tire-out your glutes. Aim for 10 reps each side, 2 sets. Work up to 15 reps, 3 sets.


Exercise: Slider Side Lunges

Equipment: TRX sliders (this is just what I call them-not sure of their ‘real name’)

Remember to not let your knees go over your toes and extend your free leg out to the side. Core is engaged, head is up, with a slight hinge in your hips. Work from 10 reps each leg/2 sets up to 15 reps each leg/3 sets.


Exercise: Reverse Crunches

Equipment: Stability Ball

This doesn’t need to be a big movement, I generally move from my chest against the ball to an inch or two up from my starting position. You want your feet resting against a wall (or something sturdy) and arms behind your head. Keep your glutes/hamstrings/core engaged. Work from 10 reps, 2 sets up to 15 reps, 3 sets.


Exercise: Planks

Equipment: None!

You really don’t need anything to get a plank in and a total body workout. You can do a modified plank by resting your knees on the floor (shoulders over wrists), forearms on the floor, or hands on the floor. Work from holding for 20 seconds and go up from there. I used to be able to hold my planks for 3 minutes!


Exercise: Side Planks

Equipment: None!

Like the planks from above, you can do these anywhere. Working from 20 seconds up to several minutes. You’ll want to either be on your hand or or forearm as you balance. You also want to keep your hips pointed forward, core engaged, and remember to breathe.



-What are your favorite pieces of gym equipment that you have at home?

-Favorite exercises to do with no equipment?

7 Things

Happy Monday! I’m on week 2 of my fun-employment and can’t believe how fast time has gone. I begin my new full-time RN position next week and cannot be more excited. Almost as excited/ nervous as I was when I had my first banana split this summer.


The foliage here right now is just the best. I love Fall in New England.


I took a break from listening to Running podcasts while I was studying for my Nursing Boards and now it feels so nice to catch back up on my favorites. Also- just running right now feels pretty great. I ran 41 miles this week and hoping to hit another 40+ this week!


Coffee and a good book in the mornings is one of my favorite things. If I had like 5 hours each morning I think it would always be filled with coffee, reading, journaling, yoga, & Running. What would you do with an in-interrupted 5 hours each morning?


Running Home is such a good book so far. There are many passages that resonate with me and why I run. Including this one:


I’m definitely a competitive person and miss those in-person races! I signed up for one next month, but then realized that I work until 7:30 the morning of the race (so that certainly won’t work). I love the thrill of chasing others and those post-race endorphins. The virtual 5k that I did this weekend was fun, but I have a really hard time running really fast on my own!


When they cuddle like this, my heart just melts into a million pieces. I mean- how can you not think that’s adorable?!



  • How was your weekend?

  • Anyone else miss racing in-person or have advice for pushing yourself in virtual races?

  • Banana splits- tell me your thoughts!

7 Things

Happy Monday! I’m officially done with Nursing School and passed my boards. It finally started to sink-in yesterday that I no longer have to stress/ think/ worry about them. It’s been really weird to have ‘my life back again’, but also so nice! I celebrated with some pretty terrible champagne, Flatbread’s pizza, and watching The Office. What more could you want right?


I’m working on updating and re-vamping my blog this week. We took some new photos this weekend and once I find my USB drive, I can go to town on it 🎉Isn’t it funny how little items like that always seem to walk away? I’m pretty sure this one had something to do with it…


The return of Pumkinhead beer. Honestly- one of my favorite parts of Fall in New England. We still need to do the cinnamon sugar rim with it, but still- so so good!


We went on a bike ride this weekend and it was perfect weather- until I crashed into Alex (by accident). I came away (luckily) with just a handful of scrapes and bruises on all of my extremities and my helmet certainly saved me. Feeling very lucky to not have had to go to the ER twice in one week!


Went to a pumpkin patch with my mom on Sunday. The amount of gourds that they had there was incredible!


Made some Apple Carrot muffins from Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow cookbook (my favorite muffin recipe). These will probably last us until Wednesday.


Back to Running after taking some time off to heal my hip pain (ironically falling off my bicycle somehow seemed to help?) and Fall Running is seriously the best. I love it so so much. Anyone else?



  • Favorite time of year to run?

  • Favorite Fall beer or cocktail?

  • Anyone else blame most things that go missing on their animals?